Kaufman Updates

Permanent link for A Moment for Mindfulness: Walk the Labyrinth during Laker Welcome Week on August 1, 2023

Hard to believe as it is, fall is just around the corner! Soon, students will be heading back to campus and with them comes a flood of events geared toward welcoming new and returning members of the GV community to campus. The program known as Laker Welcome kicks off the week before classes start and includes a huge number of programs, from departmental meet-and-greets to advising sessions to beach clean-up service days and more, capped off with Campus Life Night on Sunday, August 27th.

In the midst of all this activity, the Kaufman Interfaith team hopes to offer a brief moment of calm by hosting a contemplative labyrinth . Labyrinths have been used as contemplative tools for centuries. Different from a maze, the labyrinth has only one entrance/exit. The continuous path allows for a loosely guided walking meditative practice that can help ground a wandering mind.

We'll be setting up the mobile labyrinth, provided by Trinity Methodist United Church, on Wednesday, August 23rd from 11am-2pm . Staff will be available to talk through some mindfulness basics to anyone interested. All GVSU faculty, staff, and students are all invited to participate and are welcome to drop by any time. Walking the labyrinth can take as much or as little time as you like - with some folks moving though in 15 minutes and others devoting over an hour of their time to the practice. This is a resource for you - use it as you like!

We'll be located on the large lawn near Kirkhof and the Mary Idema Pew Library . Whether you'd like to walk the labyrinth, learn about mindfulness practices, or just sit and enjoy some peace and quiet during a busy week, we hope you'll stop by!

Posted by Liz English on Permanent link for A Moment for Mindfulness: Walk the Labyrinth during Laker Welcome Week on August 1, 2023.

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Page last modified August 1, 2023