Kaufman in the News


Local Muslim leader strongly condemns Brussels attacks

April 4, 2016

GRAND RAPIDS, MICH. (WZZM) - The attacks in Belgium have put the spotlight back on the Muslim community, and Muslim leaders in West Michigan are speaking out about the violence.

"Je Suis Le Monde"

April 4, 2016

"If we mistakenly blame Muslims and Islam for these attacks, we are doing exactly what ISIS wants. We are disenfranchising and devaluing even further a disenfranchised and devalued minority."

HEEDING OTHER HOLIDAYS: GVSU has a responsibility to increase interfaith efforts

March 30, 2016

"It's no secret that Grand Valley State University isn't very diverse - racially, economically or religiously. We're doing better now than we ever have before, but there's still a lot of work to be done." - Lanthorn Editorial Board

Kaufman, Inclusion and Equity work together to represent interfaith on campus

March 29, 2016

"The results of Grand Valley State University's recent Campus Climate Survey have been reviewed and the university is now utilizing that information to make some changes to better serve the campus community." - Sanda Vazgec

Hindus putting the Holi in Holy Week

March 21, 2016

"Those of us in the world of interfaith dialogue always enjoy it when the sacred days of our various traditions align. It gives us even more to share. What we are experiencing right now is such a time with both the Hindu and Christian communities..."

Welcoming Refugees: Do Unto Others Summary

March 14, 2016

On March 8, 2016, the "Welcoming Refugees: Do Unto Others" event took place with an incredible turnout for community conversation. 400 attendees and 60 co-sponsors made this event a success.

GVSU Interfaith Campus Webinars

March 10, 2016

We are convening viewings and conversations around webinars that will explore interfaith on college campuses across the country. All campus partners invited to participate.

Listening Sessions on Religious Diversity at GVSU

March 10, 2016

We are holding listening sessions / drop-in dialogues on religious/spiritual/secular identity at GVSU. What are your experiences holding these identities? What ideas do you have for religious diversity at GVSU?

Community event discusses refugee crisis

March 3, 2016

Community event discusses refugee crisis.

Muslim Teacher Hopes to Plant Seed of Understanding

March 1, 2016

"The Monday after the 2013 Boston Marathon bombings, Sairah Ahmed went to teach her history classes at Cedar Springs High School with a heavy heart. Like her, the two terrorists were Muslim, but she felt no connection whatsoever to them or their beliefs."

Page last modified November 16, 2018