Kaufman in the News

GVSU Interfaith Campus Webinars

March 10, 2016

GVSU Interfaith Campus Webinars

Spring Webinars for Student Life Professionals

Engaging religious diversity with students can be a tall order, but we're here to help. This spring, Interfaith Youth Core (IFYC) is hosting an ongoing online professional development opportunity for campus professionals in Student Affairs, Religious and Spiritual Life, and other areas of student life. This four-part webinar series offers practical tips and examples of excellent interfaith work on college campuses nationwide. 

At GVSU, we are gathering for each webinar session in Kirkhof 1142.

Part 1: Foundational Knowledge and Literacy. February 23, 2016

This webinar covers basic religious literacy, as well as theoretical foundations for interfaith cooperation and a brief history of interfaith cooperation in the USA. 

Part 2: Building Interfaith Relationships. March 29, 2016

We’ll explore approaches to relationship building across lines of religious difference, leaning heavily on the direct service and community organizing strategies of past and present-day interfaith leaders.

Part 3: Designing Interfaith Programs. April 19, 2016

This webinar focuses on different approaches to creating interfaith encounters between students. We’ll look at different formats for interfaith programming and examine strengths and limitations of each type. 

Part 4: Responding to Conflict on Campus. May 17, 2016

The final webinar of the series takes a look at how campus professionals have responded to instances of conflict, crisis, and tragedy on campus in relation to religious diversity. 

Go here to register. Each webinar is 60 minutes long and starts at 1:00 p.m. EST/ 10:00 a.m. PT. You are not required to attend all four if your schedule does not permit. However, participants who complete all four webinars will receive a certificate of completion from IFYC, and will have more opportunities to connect with a cohort of professionals dedicated to building interfaith cooperation into their work on campus.

We will be holding viewing sessions at GVSU in Kirkhof 1142. RSVP to both IFYC and Katie Gordon to participate with the group from GVSU. 

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Page last modified March 10, 2016