AI Content

Artificial Intelligence (AI)

GVSU is committed to exploring the endless possibilities of Artificial Intelligence (AI). Our priority is to ensure our community is equipped to thrive in this continuously growing and evolving landscape. As AI technology continues to mature, so does its application in educational settings, here at GVSU we are dedicated to staying alongside those changes. This webpage serves as a resource to continue this ongoing discussion, providing resources and insights into the integration of AI here here on campus.

AI Initiatives at GVSU

At GVSU, we envision an academic environment where AI acts as a catalyst for educational excellence, research innovation, and societal advancement. We aim to create a space where the ethical, practical, and transformative aspects of AI are integrated into our learning, teaching, and research.

AI Initiatives at GVSU:

  1. Applied Computing Institute (ACI): ACI stands at the forefront of AI research and application. Here, faculty, students, and industry partners collaborate on projects that push the boundaries of AI technology and its practical applications in various fields.

  2. AI-Enhanced Learning: Classes have begun integrating AI methods to provide personalized experiences and adaptive learning styles.

  3. Research & Innovation: GVSU encourages and supports AI-driven research projects across disciplines. Our researchers leverage AI to analyze complex data sets, innovate solutions to real-world problems, and contribute to the global body of knowledge.


Are you interested in being involved in AI? Learn more about the opportunities here at GVSU!

   Student Opportunities     Industry Partner Opportunities


How can we help?

Whether you're a student eager to explore AI, a faculty member interested in integrating AI into your teaching or research, or an industry professional looking to collaborate, there's a place for you here at GVSU. Together, we can shape a future where AI is not only a tool for innovation but also a bridge to a more inclusive, knowledgeable, and compassionate world.

Resources & Opportunities:

  • Workshops & Seminars: Enhance your AI skills and knowledge through workshops co-presented by the University Libraries' Digital Creator Lab and the Atomic Object Technology Showcase. Workshops are held routinely for faculty, staff and students. 

  • AI Safety & Ethics: We prioritize the ethical use of AI, offering resources and guidelines to ensure that AI technologies are used responsibly and safely within the GVSU community.

  • Collaboration & Community: Engage with a vibrant community of scholars, industry professionals, and peers who are equally passionate about the potentials of AI. Join our forums, discussions, and collaborative projects. Start exploring by visiting our AI Resources page.


Looking for more resources? Explore the links below for more on AI.

ChatGPT Resources Gartner AI Resource Center Generative AI in Education

GVNext: GVSU Tech Talks

"GVSU experts in cybersecurity, bioinformatics, artificial intelligence and extended reality gave a glimpse into their groundbreaking work and technology." - Brain Vernellis

A.I. and Health Care

Zachary DeBruine, and a team of student researchers are exploring how to develop and deliver AI tools for Corewell Health and Helen DeVos Children's Hospital.

Writing Center at Forefront of AI

Alisha Karabinus, assistant professor of writing and interdisciplinary studies, points to AI-generated language during her class.

GVNext: Tutoring with AI

 "A group of student workers has been trained to guide their peers who want to use these chatbots in writing assignments." -Michele Coffill

Blackboard's AI

eLearning introduced Blackboard's AI Rubric Design Assistant, a tool to help instructors create grading rubrics. In this video Krisanne Chapin shares how it has streamlined her process. 

Page last modified March 18, 2025