HP Ink Cartridge Recycling Program

In order to provide additional value to GVSU students, GVSU has partnered with HP for ink and toner cartridge recycling. Through this partnership, GVSU will be able to earn credit with HP that will allow GVSU to provide additional or replacement network printers for students to use on campus at discount prices or for free with points earned through recycling.

IT, Facilities, and GVSU Laker Store are working together to help collect and ship cartridges back to HP. What we ask, is that when you have a used ink or toner cartridge to return, please help us by using the following steps:

Pickup for Allendale departments:

  1. When GVSU Laker Store delivers your Office Depot order, provide the van driver with your used cartridge(s).
  2. If you’re not expecting an Office Depot delivery, contact Ethan McCann (mccannet@gvsu.edu / 616-331-9237) at the Allendale Laker Store location to schedule a pickup from a GVSU Laker Store driver.
  3. If you’re calling or emailing for a pickup, please try to have a minimum of 6 cartridges for pickup. If you have less you can drop them off to one of the locations listed below.

Pickup for Grand Rapids departments:

  1. When GVSU Laker Store delivers your Office Depot order, provide the van driver with your used cartridge(s).
  2. If you’re not expecting an Office Depot delivery, contact Beth Junglas (junglase@gvsu.edu / 616-331-6735) at the Grand Rapids Laker Store location to schedule a pickup from a GVSU Laker Store driver.
  3. If you’re calling or emailing for a pickup, please try to have a minimum of 6 cartridges for pickup. If you have less you can drop them off to one of the locations listed below.

Drop-off for Allendale and Grand Rapids departments:

  1. Allendale – Lower level of GVSU Laker Store located in The Laker Marketplace
  2. Allendale – Drop boxes located in 207 Manitou
  3. Grand Rapids – Mail Room window located in Richard M. DeVos Center in Grand Rapids

If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to the contacts listed above. We appreciate your help in this partnership and look forward to continue providing great value to GVSU students while helping save the environment.

What happens to cartridges returned though HP Planet Partners?

HP ink and LaserJet cartridges returned through HP Planet Partners go through a multi-phase "closed loop" recycling process. The recycled plastic from empty cartridges is used to create new Original HP cartridges.  All HP Original Cartridges returned through the HP Planet Partners program are completely broken down into raw material and reused.

Fun Facts on HP’s commitment to recycling:

  • More than 875 Million original HP Cartridges have been recycled by customers within the HP Planet Partners Program
  • More than 4.7 Billion recycled plastic bottles have been used by HP to manufacture HP ink cartridges
  • More than 114 Million recycled plastic hangers have been used by HP to manufacture new HP ink and toner cartridges

Why use HP Cartridges?

End User Benefits

HP Value

HP Purchase Edge

HP Planet Partners Recycling

HP Ink Cartridge Recycling 

HP Highlight Story - Rosette's Story, Reinvent Impact

Page last modified June 2, 2021