IT News

GenCyber Camp Tests Advanced Technology

May 23, 2023

GenCyber Camp Tests Advanced Technology

As part of GVSU's first-ever GenCyber Camp, Academic Research Computing and the School of Computing are piloting a Desktop as a Service (DaaS) environment offered by Apporto. The National Security Agency (NSA) and the National Science Foundation (NSF) fund the cybersecurity camp for high school students to teach them the basics of cybersecurity and safe online behavior. 

During this initiative, GVSU faculty and prospective students will evaluate the cloud-based desktop service as a potential replacement for some physical and remote computer labs on campus. Accessing a virtual desktop requires nothing more than an Internet connection and a web browser. This allows the use of software typically only found in an on-campus computer lab from anywhere. Using Apporto in the Cyber Camp, students can access virtual desktops to test cyber threats in an isolated environment, not connected to the GVSU network. This flexible environment allows students to access multiple virtual desktops under faculty supervision. 

According to Paul Leidig, Director of the School of Computing, “The GenCyber camp is a great opportunity for high school students to experience the world of cybersecurity.  With the addition of using a virtual desktop as a service, virtual machines enhance our ability to serve students in a robust environment.”

Over the course of the year, students complete their work remotely from all over Michigan combined with one week of face-to-face instruction in July. The service enables faculty to remotely observe students and take control of their virtual environments if needed for assistance. This allows everyone in the course to collaborate more effectively on their work.  

Academic Research Computing sees this type of DaaS as the future direction for many computer labs. This is so students and faculty can access high-performance machines anywhere and anytime. 

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Page last modified May 23, 2023