IT News

Innovation + Research 2022 Highlights

January 02, 2023

Innovation + Research 2022 Highlights

Looking back and looking forward… it’s been another amazing year! (See also 2021 Year in Review)

The IT Innovation and Research team was established in February of 2021 with a focus to “reach higher” by leading, coordinating, and facilitating the discovery and exploration of emerging technologies and innovative solutions that lead to digital transformation (DX) across Information Technology at Grand Valley State University.

Specifically, the I+R team collaborates with key stakeholders and strives to catalyze transformation, serve as a change agent, and endeavors to build a robust portfolio of solutions, services, and resources that are purposefully designed to:

  • Further academic and research initiatives
  • Facilitate quality digital education
  • Enhance the learner experience
  • Encourage a culture of innovation
  • Build the next generation of teaching and learning spaces
  • Support the University’s mission and strategic priorities

Click this link to read through Innovation + Research's 2022 highlights. 

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Page last modified January 2, 2023