Traditional Bachelor of Science in Nursing Admissions

Prerequisite Courses

Admission prerequisite courses must be completed before applying to the nursing program:

  • BIO 120 General Biology
  • CHM 109 Introductory Chemistry
  • PSY 101 Introductory Psychology
  • WRT 150 Strategies in Writing or WRT 130 Writing Stretch II or an Honors Sequence Course
  • CHM 230 or 234 Organic & Biochemistry
  • BMS 250 Anatomy & Physiology I
  • One General Education course or Honors Sequence Course (not already required for the nursing curriculum)

Corequisite Courses

Corequisite courses must be completed before starting the nursing program, but can be in-progress while going through the secondary admissions application process:

  • BMS 251 Anatomy & Physiology II
  • BMS 212 Microbiology Lecture
  • BMS 213 Microbiology Lab
  • STA 215 Statistics
  • PSY 364 Lifespan Developmental Psychology

Eligibility Requirements

  • Declared Nursing as major prior to application submission.
  • Earned an overall GPA of 2.7 or above (includes non-GVSU college courses).
  • Earned a pre-requisite GPA of 2.7 or above (includes non-GVSU college courses).
  • Earned a grade of ‘C’ (not C-) or higher in all required courses.
  • Completed an application January 1-8  for admission into the Fall semester (Aug), or completed an application by August 1-8 for admission into the Winter semester (Jan).
  • Adhered to the KCON course repeat policy, allowing students to repeat three Admission pre-requisite courses (only two of those courses can be BMS, CHM, or BIO.)  A course cannot be repeated more than once. 

Application & Admissions Criteria

Admission to the nursing program is highly competitive. Students who only meet minimum requirements may not be admitted. Admission is based on balanced consideration given to the following components:

  • Admission Pre-requisite GPA
  • Interview
  • Personal Statement
  • Student Profile

The competitive admission process admits 120 students into the Fall semester and 120 students into the Winter semester. Selected students must submit documentation of the following: physical examination, verification of immunizations, TB testing, criminal background check and drug screen, and CPR certification.

Page last modified January 16, 2025