GVSU COVID-19 Data (F2020-W2021)
Historical Trend of Cases in the GVSU community
Spreadsheet: GVSU Daily Cases by category (F2020-W2021)
GVSU Testing Program
Note: Erroneous positivity peaks --- due to the Thanksgiving and Winter breaks, when no surveillance testing was performed --- have been truncated to aid display.
"GV Surveillance" data are based on invitations to various groups: (1) regular (weekly or bi-weekly) testing of groups such as resident assistants and faculty teaching face-to-face courses; (2) students in specific residence halls or apartment complexes, on a multi-week rotation; (3) targeted testing of specific groups in a given week due to current COVID conditions; and (4) students and staff chosen randomly each week. About 1 in 7 students who are attending at least one course on campus are invited each week. More details are available about the GV testing program. "GV Total" includes surveillance testing plus all symptomatic/exposure tests administered on campus by Spectrum Health. The GV testing program began on August 21, 2020.
COVID-19 Vaccinations in the GVSU Community
The Virus Action Team works with regional and state health authorities and the West Michigan COVID-19 Vaccine Collaborative to obtain vaccine opportunities for the GVSU community. All community members are encouraged to schedule a vaccine appointment on their own whenever they are available. GVSU-specific vaccine opportunities will be shared with the community via email and posted on the vaccine webpage on Lakers Together, where you can find COVID-19 vaccination information from the CDC and the State of Michigan.
Once you have received a vaccine dose, please report it on your daily self-assessment.
"Estimated Percent Vaccinated" is calculated as the number individuals that have reported at least one dose on their self-assessment, divided by the number of individuals that have submitted a self-assessment in W2021. As a fraction of the total number of students enrolled and faculty/staff employed, 17.5% of students and 73.4% of faculty/staff have reported at least one vaccination as of 2021-04-29.
GVSU Cases in Ottawa and Kent Counties
Data from the Ottawa County and Kent County COVID-19 dashboards.
COVID-19 Hospital Statistics in West Michigan (Region 6)
Data from the MDHHS COVID-19 Metrics website and its archived versions.
Approximate prior peak values (from mid-May 2020): In-patient Total, 140; ICU Patients, 55; Ventilated, 30; ER Visits, 125.
COVID-19 Vaccination Statistics in West Michigan (Region 6)
Cumulative Vaccine Doses Distributed in Region 6 as of 29 Apr 2021:
Pfizer 869,895; Moderna 511,000; J&J 82,000; Other 0; Total 1,462,895.
Cumulative Vaccine Doses Administered in Region 6 as of 27 Apr 2021:
1,044,684 (equivalent to 36.8% of population with complete vaccination)
Data taken from the Michigan.gov COVID-19 Vaccine Dashboard. Plotted is the number of vaccines distributed/shipped to Region 6 Enrolled Providers, not doses actually administered. Region 6 includes the counties: Kent, Ottawa, Muskegon, Ionia, Montcalm, Newaygo, Clare, Isabella, Lake, Mason, Mecosta, Oceana, and Osceola. The region is served by 22 hospitals and has a population of approximately 1.5 million (with 655k in Kent, 290k in Ottawa, 175k in Muskegon). On April 15, 2021, Michigan changed the accounting of distributed vaccine to include 1.5 million doses distributed directly by federal programs in the state.
This page is maintained by GVSU's Virus Action Team (VAT). Navigate to the other VAT-administered pages using the buttons above. For questions, concerns, or to report a non-emergency health/safety issue, email us at virusactionteam@gvsu.edu. For general questions contact the Lakers Together Call Center: (616) 331-INFO (4636), weekdays 9 a.m - 2 p.m. For personal health questions, call the 24/7 GVSU COVID Health Line (833) 734-0020.