First Year Program

The library strategically targets Writing  120, 130, and 150 classes to introduce students to information literacy and library services. We strive to provide students with a solid foundation they can build on as they continue their academic career at GVSU.  


As library faculty, we partner with you to discuss the best way to support your students’ learning. There is no one size fits all approach; a library instruction session can be as brief as fifteen minutes or last the full class period. The key is designing our instruction to meet your students at their point of need.  

We can:

  • Come to your class one or more times to teach a variety of information literacy concepts
  • Create a customized, discipline-specific set of resources tailored for your course or class assignments
  • Meet with you to discuss new library resources and services
  • Provide library resources to embed in your Blackboard site
  • Provide language for your syllabus that describes the libraries and our student support services
  • Discuss library resources to help ensure your class assignments or projects make effective use of the library collections


We will work within the framework of your course and structure the learning activities around an assignment or a specific need.

Let us actively engage your students to bring them to a natural tipping point where they are ready to learn and apply specific information literacy skills. We want to take them to a place of discovery and connect them to the world of information beyond Google. It is our goal to seamlessly integrate our library instruction as an active component of your course.


We have a team of librarians who want to work with you and your students!

Page last modified September 10, 2024