Link to Library Resources

The library pays to access hundreds of subscription databases, and it's important to make sure links to our subscription resources go through the GVSU authentication server. Because our license agreements only allow these materials to be used by current GVSU affiliates, databases require users to log in with their campus credentials. If you share a URL without the GVSU login information, off-campus users will not be able to access the link.

Need help finding a "permalink" or permanent URL for your library resources? We have a series of guides that will help you.

Use the "Link Fixer" form below to make sure your link will allow all GVSU users to access the resource. Once you get your new link, you can add it to Blackboard or your course webpage.

Make sure to test your link off-campus before using the link fixer! Only GVSU subscription content needs to be proxied. Not sure if your link needs to be proxied? We can help! Email [email protected] or submit a support ticket.


Link Fixer

Add library proxy to a URL

Additional Tools

Want a shorter link? Use our link fixer tool and then visit to create a GVSU-branded short link, complete with lots of usage statistics!

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Page last modified September 10, 2024