Library News

Become a Library Summer Scholar

December 11, 2024

The GVSU Library Scholars Summer Program is accepting applications for Summer 2025!

The GVSU Library Scholars Summer Program provides students with the opportunity to have an intensive research experience using the library’s resources and collections. Mentored by a librarian faculty mentor, the scholar will develop a project that will enhance their library knowledge and skills while contributing to the library and engaging in a disciplinary, scholarly conversation.

This coming summer, we have a special opportunity available for one or two Library Scholars to focus their research on learning about and utilizing the All of Us datasetAll of Us is a research program through the National Institutes of Health which is focused on ensuring that everyone is included in medical research and in helping develop more equitable approaches to care. Scholars will partner with one of the health sciences librarians to gain expertise in interacting with the dataset. If you are interested in working with the All of Us dataset, please indicate that in the letter of interest in your application!

The program is available to undergraduate students at GVSU who have not yet completed the requirements for graduation. It is expected that the student will be enrolled at GVSU as a full-time undergraduate for at least one full semester of study beyond the period of the award.

The amazing work of past scholars can be found in the Student Summer Scholars collections in ScholarWorks@GVSU.

To learn more or apply to be a Summer Scholar, visit the OURS website!

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Page last modified December 11, 2024