Faculty/Staff Submissions to ScholarWorks@GVSU

Adding your publications to ScholarWorks@ GVSU

If you have publications you'd like to include in GVSU institutional repository, ScholarWorks@GVSU, this guide will help you through the process and answer your questions.

The Submission Process

Submit Publications to ScholarWorks@GVSU

ScholarWorks is GVSU's institutional repository, in which University Libraries upload faculty and student work. There is a step in the process where we check the copyright permissions for your articles with each publisher to verify that we can input your articles into the repository. Most of the time publishers do not allow the final Version of Record (publisher PDF) to be included, but they will allow the Accepted Manuscript (post-print) version. We take a look into your citations and report back on what version of each article we can add, requesting any documents that are not the final version from you to be included in ScholarWorks.

If you're submitting your work to ScholarWorks@GVSU for the first time, please submit your full Curriculum Vitae (CV).

If you're submitting your latest work and have already submitted your full CV to us in the past, please utilize Digital Measures and run an Intellectual Contributions Report or indicate on the form which publication years need to be reviewed.

Behind the Scenes - Rights Checking

University Libraries' Scholarly Communications Team will:

  • Review your submitted document for publications that align with a current collection under your department
  • Reach out to publishers to check copyright permissions on your work and verify which version can be included
  • Compile publisher responses for each publication, requesting any additional documents or versions needed

This step generally takes about 4-6 weeks for us to complete depending on how quickly we hear back from the publishers.

For questions on the permissions process and how to identify which version of your work you need to provide please see the FAQ’s further down this page.

Review Results & Submit Approved Versions

Once we have checked the publisher permissions for your work, you will receive a spreadsheet with the results of our publisher outreach. There are three different versions that could be requested. If you have the version indicated for each work please email the documents to [email protected].

Citations that are listed as “posted” are already in ScholarWorks@GVSU.

Any additional documents we receive that match the approved version will be added to ScholarWorks and no additional action is needed.

Future Publication Support

We encourage faculty and staff to submit a new request each year or so via a Digital Measures Intellectual Contributions Report to include your latest publications in ScholarWorks@GVSU.

Why include my work on ScholarWorks@GVSU?

Increased visibility and access to GVSU's intellectual output
Preserve and provide long-term access to works with a static URL
Permission expertise and support from University Library colleagues

Explore the impact of your work with the Author Dashboard tool

An author dashboard report will be automatically generated each month to share your readership statistics for work you authored included in ScholarWorks@GVSU. You can visit your Author Dashboard at anytime by logging into ScholarWorks@GVSU with your GVSU network ID and password. 

Here you can run the following reports with custom date ranges for various collections or single entries:

  • Global Readership Map
  • Downloads
  • Video Streams
  • Metadata Page Hits
  • Works Posted
  • PlumX Snapshot & Metrics
Author Dashboard example image

Permission Request Results FAQ

What did you do as part of the permissions process?

We imported your publications into a spreadsheet, determined who the publisher was for each of your published works, and reached out to those publishers requesting permission to deposit your works into our institutional repository, ScholarWorks@GVSU. Based on that research, we then deposited what we could in ScholarWorks@GVSU. We will then reach out to you with the results and request copies of those works for which we need a non-final version (i.e., a preprint or postprint).

How do I know which version of my article to send?

See the attached spreadsheet attached in your Permissions Results email to determine which version of each article we require to include it in ScholarWorks@GVSU.

  • Preprint – Author’s Original Manuscript (AO), Submitted Version: The initial version of the manuscript as it is submitted to a journal.
  • Postprint – Author’s Accepted Manuscript (AM): The version of the article that has been through the peer review process before it is formatted for the journal publication. This version should not look like the final version and is typically a MS Word document.
  • Publisher PDF – Version of Record (VOR), Published Version, Final Version: The final, published version of your article with all the publisher formatting.

Citations that are listed as “posted” are already in ScholarWorks@GVSU.

Why do you need my preprints or postprints?

Some publishers allow authors to submit the final published version of their paper in an institutional repository like ScholarWorks@GVSU, but many others only allow earlier versions of your paper, such as a preprint or postprint, to be made openly available through an institutional repository. Based on our permissions process, we determined that works labeled as "Preprint/Postprint" were from publishers whose policies prohibit us from posting the final published version online, hence our request above for any preprints/postprints that you might have.

What if my department doesn't have a collection for the type of work I want to include?

We may be able to create a new collection for your department. Our policy gives individual departments and programs final say over the kinds of materials shared in their ScholarWorks collections, so we can always add more collections. This process starts with a conversation between the unit head and the ScholarWorks team.

Alternatively, an individual SelectedWorks profile might better suit your needs.

What can I do with a SelectedWorks profile?

SelectedWorks is an individual, professional profile that is run on the same software as ScholarWorks and would function the same, but it would be managed by you. It's similar to a LinkedIn profile, but more focused on sharing your work. Some benefits:

  • Include links to online bookstores, blogs, publisher websites, etc. rather than uploading the version of the document approved by the publisher
  • Documents can include things from conference proceedings, to poster presentations, to lesson plans, to instructional videos, to books to purchase – just about anything!
  • Completely customize your profile to include an about section, research interests, honors and awards, courses and more – sharing as much or as little as you'd like
  • An Author Dashboard will be available for the work you include to learn more about your readership
  • You keep your SelectedWorks profile even if you retire or move away from GVSU 

If this sounds like something you're interested in University Libraries can help you get started! Contact us for a tutorial or a conversation on the various features by emailing us at [email protected] or review the SelectedWorks Guide for Authors to learn more.


For more information about Faculty/Staff submissions to ScholarWorks@GVSU or to connect with a member of the Scholarly Communications Team please email us at [email protected].

Page last modified July 11, 2024