Heather |
Allen |
allenhea@gvsu.edu |
Dean's Office Assistant |
430 LIB |
(616) 331-2778 |
Amy |
Bailey |
bailea@gvsu.edu |
User Experience Strategist for Virtual Services |
116A DEV |
(616) 331-3005 |
Annie |
Bélanger |
belange1@gvsu.edu |
Dean, University Libraries |
430 LIB |
(616) 331-2621 |
Annie |
Benefiel |
benefiea@gvsu.edu |
University Archivist and Digital Collections Librarian |
Seidman House |
(616) 331-8727 |
Johanna |
Boyle |
boylejoh@gvsu.edu |
Collections Management Librarian |
LIB 340 |
( 616) 331-5069 |
Alex |
Bultman |
bultmana@gvsu.edu |
Library Specialist - Access Services Coordinator |
101 LIB |
(616) 331-2617 |
Stacey |
Burns |
burnssta@gvsu.edu |
Programming and Outreach Manager |
430 LIB |
(616) 331-3295 |
Cara |
Cadena |
cadenac@gvsu.edu |
Associate Dean for Collections and Digital Strategy |
430 LIB |
(616) 331-7337 |
Jeffrey |
Daniels |
danielsj@gvsu.edu |
Electronic Resources Librarian |
340 LIB |
(616) 331-2702 |
Mya |
Dever |
t_devermy@gvsu.edu |
Library Access Support Services Temp |
Amber |
Dierking |
dierkina@gvsu.edu |
Liaison Librarian - Research, Instruction, and Outreach |
240 LIB |
(616) 331-2124 |
Jason |
Durham |
durhamja@gvsu.edu |
Assistant Dean of Resource Management and Administration |
430 LIB |
(616) 331-8725 |
Cayla |
Dwyer |
dwyecayl@gvsu.edu |
Liaison Librarian - Research, Instruction, and Outreach |
240 LIB |
(616) 331-2213 |
Daniel |
Falknor |
falknoda@gvsu.edu |
Library Specialist - Resource Sharing Specialist |
101 LIB |
(616) 331-9153 |
Kyle |
Felker |
felkerk@gvsu.edu |
Senior Library Application Developer |
340 LIB |
(616) 331-5074 |
Brody |
French |
t_frenbrod@gvsu.edu |
Library Access Support Services Temp |
Emily |
Frigo |
frigoe@gvsu.edu |
Head of Research, Instruction, and Outreach - Downtown |
116A DEV |
(616) 331-7343 |
Rosemary |
Graham |
graharos@gvsu.edu |
Adjunct Liaison Librarian - Research, Instruction, and Outreach |
Ben |
Hayes |
hayesb@gvsu.edu |
Library Specialist, Government Documents and Acquisitions Support |
340 LIB |
(616) 331-2639 |
Maya |
Hobscheid |
hobschem@gvsu.edu |
Instructional Design Librarian |
240 LIB |
(616) 331-9146 |
Ruthanna |
Holtrop |
holtruth@gvsu.edu |
Library Specialist - Library Access Support Services |
116A DEV |
(616) 331-7361 |
Jordyn |
Horton |
hortojor@gvsu.edu |
Library Specialist - Night Coordinator |
101 LIB |
(616) 331-2658 |
Andrea |
Howard |
howarda1@gvsu.edu |
Visiting Librarian, Processing Archivist |
Seidman House |
(616) 331-8750 |
Jon |
Jeffryes |
jeffryjo@gvsu.edu |
Associate Dean for Curriculum, Research, and User Services |
430 LIB |
(616) 331-3636 |
Delaney |
Jorgensen |
jorgedel@gvsu.edu |
Assessment Librarian |
430 LIB |
(616) 331-4120 |
Sarah |
Joseph |
josepsar@gvsu.edu |
Liaison Librarian - Research, Instruction, and Outreach |
205 DCIH |
(616) 331-8674 |
Patty |
Kishman-Smith |
kishmanp@gvsu.edu |
Library Specialist - Library Access Support Services |
101 LIB |
(616) 331-5928 |
Miranda |
Krajniak |
krajniam@gvsu.edu |
Director of Public and Access Services |
101 LIB |
(616) 331-2625 |
Troy |
Lazenby |
lazenbtr@gvsu.edu |
Library Specialist - Library Access Support Services |
116A DEV |
(616) 331-7058 |
Alicia |
Lemon |
hubera@gvsu.edu |
Collections and Scholarly Communications Associate |
340 LIB |
(616) 331-9143 |
Kasey |
Love |
lovekas@gvsu.edu |
Educational Resource Curator Practicum Student |
Christy |
Malmsten |
malmstec@gvsu.edu |
Adjunct Liaison Librarian - Research, Instruction, and Outreach |
116A DEV |
(616) 331-4121 |
Janelle |
Manuel |
manuelj@gvsu.edu |
Cataloging and Metadata Librarian |
340 LIB |
(616) 331-7506 |
Marcia |
Masters |
mastermar@gvsu.edu |
Acquisitions and Collections Data Analysis Librarian |
340 LIB |
(616) 331-9164 |
Hazel |
McClure |
mcclureh@gvsu.edu |
Head of Research, Instruction, and Outreach - Allendale |
240 LIB |
(616) 331-3077 |
Bob |
McVay |
mcvayrob@gvsu.edu |
Library Specialist, Library Access Support Services |
116A DEV |
(616) 331-7084 |
Cara |
Medvedenko |
medvedca@gvsu.edu |
Liaison Librarian - Research, Instruction, and Outreach |
116A DEV |
(616) 331-5927 |
Emily |
Metcalf |
metcalem@gvsu.edu |
Liaison Librarian - Research, Instruction, and Outreach |
205 DCIH |
(616) 331-5932 |
Samantha |
Minnis |
minniss@gvsu.edu |
Liaison Librarian - Research, Instruction, and Outreach |
LIB 230 |
(616) 331-2633 |
Katie |
Motush |
motushk@gvsu.edu |
Collections Infrastructure Manager; Interim Mary Idema Pew Library Manager |
340 LIB |
(616) 331-2627 |
Alisia |
Neubeck |
neubecal@gvsu.edu |
Library Specialist - Library Access Support Services |
101 LIB |
(616) 331-9161 |
Avery |
Olearczyk |
olearcza@gvsu.edu |
Digital Literacy Librarian |
240 LIB |
(616) 331-7058 |
Diana |
Page |
pagedia@gvsu.edu |
Library Specialist, Metadata and Digital Collections |
340 LIB |
(616) 331-2616 |
Annie |
Parada |
paradaan@gvsu.edu |
Adjunct Instruction Librarian and Library Specialist - Frey Foundation
Learning Commons Coordinator |
205 DCIH |
(616) 331-2605 |
Hanna |
Pickard |
pickarha@gvsu.edu |
Library Specialist - Library Access Support Services |
101 LIB |
(616) 331-3206 |
Wren |
Pierce |
piercel1@gvsu.edu |
Liaison Librarian - Research, Instruction, and Outreach |
240 LIB |
(616) 331-3849 |
Mikayla |
Portee |
porteem@gvsu.edu |
Mary Idema Pew Library Manager |
101 LIB |
(616) 331-2848 |
Enrique |
Ramirez |
ramireen@gvsu.edu |
Library Specialist, Library Access Support Services |
116A DEV |
(616) 331-7334 |
Jacklyn |
Rander |
randerja@gvsu.edu |
Senior Library Publishing Services Manager |
240 LIB |
(616) 331-2623 |
Matthew |
Reidsma |
reidsmam@gvsu.edu |
Content and Accessibility Strategist for Virtual Services |
116A DEV |
(616) 331-3577 |
Chelsea |
Renaud |
renaudch@gvsu.edu |
Library Specialist - Electronic Resource Support |
340 LIB |
(616) 331-2641 |
Cassandra |
Rollins |
rollinca@gvsu.edu |
Van Andel Institute Library Manager |
Ashley |
Rosener |
rosenera@gvsu.edu |
Liaison Librarian - Research, Instruction, and Outreach |
116A DEV |
(616) 331-5937 |
Patrick |
Roth |
rothpa@gvsu.edu |
Head of Systems and Discovery |
340 LIB |
(616) 331-2615 |
Matt |
Ruen |
ruenm@gvsu.edu |
Head of Collections and Digital Scholarship |
340 LIB |
(616) 331-9182 |
Mary |
Ruge |
rugem@gvsu.edu |
Liaison Librarian - Research, Instruction, and Outreach |
240 LIB |
(616) 331-9145 |
Leigh |
Rupinski |
rupinskl@gvsu.edu |
Archivist for Public Services and Community Engagement |
Seidman House |
(616) 331-8726 |
Gayle |
Schaub |
schaubg@gvsu.edu |
Student Success Librarian |
240 LIB |
(616) 331-2629 |
Sara |
Simon |
simons@gvsu.edu |
Library Technical Specialist, Electronic Resources Management |
340 LIB |
(616) 331-2640 |
Alex |
Smith |
smithk10@gvsu.edu |
Resource Sharing Coordinator |
101 LIB |
(616) 331-7333 |
Taylor |
Stachowski |
stachtay@gvsu.edu |
Library Specialist - Library Access Support Services |
116A DEV |
(616) 331-7367 |
Sandra |
Teft |
tefts@gvsu.edu |
Liaison Librarian - Research, Instruction, and Outreach |
116A DEV |
(616) 331-7338 |
Claudia |
TenElshof |
t_tenelscl@gvsu.edu |
Library Access Support Services Temp |
Leah |
Thomas |
thomalea@gvsu.edu |
Library Specialist - Library Access Support Services |
116A DEV |
(616) 331-7594 |
Jennifer |
Torreano |
torreaje@gvsu.edu |
Director of the Knowledge Market |
430 LIB |
(616) 331-2604 |
Jenna |
Vainner |
vainnerj@gvsu.edu |
Assistant to the Dean |
430 LIB |
(616) 331-2863 |
Anna |
White |
whitean2@gvsu.edu |
Liaison Librarian - Research, Instruction, and Outreach |
205 DCIH |
(616) 331-5075 |
Caitlin |
Yanosko |
yanoskoc@gvsu.edu |
Adjunct Liaison Librarian - Research, Instruction, and Outreach |