Nancy Mack's Profile
Nancy’s scholarship in children’s understanding of fractions was seminal and foundational in mathematics education research. She had numerous publications in prestigious mathematics education journals as well as chapters in books focused on supporting elementary and middle grades teachers’ teaching of mathematics. Nancy was recognized professionally for her research when she won the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM) Research Award for an outstanding article in the Journal for Research in Mathematics Education in 1990. She was invited to join the Editorial Board of the international journal Mathematical Thinking and Learning in 2021 and has continued to serve in that capacity in her retirement. Nancy was also recognized for her exceptional professional service when she received the 2018 Journal for Research in Mathematics Education Outstanding Reviewer Recognition awarded by NCTM. Nancy devoted extensive time to work in the community, volunteering at a local school and developing a partnership with that school that led to field experience opportunities for her GVSU mathematics education classes.
Nancy made extensive contributions in the area of assessment and program development, and her work was recognized through the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences (CLAS) Faculty Service Award in 2009 for writing the 2007 National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education accreditation report and her community outreach to a local Grand Rapids Public elementary school. Nancy’s contributions to program development were significant as the department and colleges (CLAS and the College of Education) responded to new teacher preparation standards and created the Pedagogical Content Knowledge for Elementary Teaching major. Nancy wrote the new course proposals for several courses as well as contributed to others, and she assumed responsibility for submitting and revising the proposals through the university system.