
Grant Writing Basics - Virtual Part 2

Grant Writing Basics - Virtual Part 2

Date and Time

Tuesday, November 19, 2024 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM


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You can RSVP for this event until November 19, 2024 at 12:00 PM



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Passcode: 631779




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Meeting ID: 951 7945 7251

Passcode: 631779


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New to grant proposal writing? Need a quick refresher? Struggling with getting awarded?

This two-part class will provide you with an overview of how to write a standard project proposal and draft a project budget with confidence.


Presented by Diane Fleser PhDc &The Muskegon Innovation Hub our skill-building workshop is not just for Hub grants, but also for most standard grant programs, making it a must-attend for anyone interested in grant proposal writing.  


What you'll learn in Part 2: Introduction to Project Budgets

· The basic components of a project budget, including income and expenses.

· How to estimate the realistic cost of a project.

What other financial documents you may also need to submit with your proposal



For more information, please visit: News & Events

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Page last modified September 12, 2024