Upcoming Education Reading Online & Hybrid Courses

EDR 317 - Class-conscious Description

Challenges students to think critically, collaborate, and integrate multiple disciplines as they explore the role that popular culture and schooling play in forming their identities. Students will use critical reading skills to analyze films, television, music, and other aspects of popular culture and compare to prominent theories and their experiences. Part of the Identity Issue. Offered every semester. Prerequisite: Junior standing.

Available Semesters

Fall 2024 - Hybrid
Winter 2025 - Hybrid

EDR 320 - Reading: Assessment & Instruct Description

Offers students opportunities to gain knowledge about language development and the emergence of reading and writing. Students will apply this knowledge to implement oral language and emergent and early literacy assessments and research-based principles and practices to meet the developmental needs of children PK-6. Prerequisite: ENG 201.

Available Semesters

Fall 2024 - Hybrid
Winter 2025 - Hybrid

EDR 321 - Content Area Literacy Description

This course will help secondary pre-service teachers learn strategies, theory, and research that support literacy in all disciplines. Students will engage in class discussions, prepare demonstrations, and in other ways explore effective methods for helping their students read, write, listen, speak, view, and represent in meaningful ways. Offered fall and winter semesters. Prerequisite: Admission to the College of Education and Community innovation. Corequisites: EDI 310 and EDI 331.

Available Semesters

Fall 2024 - Hybrid
Winter 2025 - Hybrid

EDR 323 - Teach Lang & Lit Learn Diff Description

To meet the needs of PK-6 students, candidates will learn to select, enact, and evaluate evidence-based, inclusive, and intensive literacy practices for the purpose of creating supportive and equitable learning environments. Course content and school-based fieldwork will attend particularly to students experiencing, or at-risk of experiencing, language-learning difficulties and disabilities. Cross-listed with EDS 323. Offered fall and winter semesters.  Prerequisites: EDR 320 and EDS 318 (both can be taken concurrently).

Available Semesters

Fall 2024 - Hybrid
Winter 2025 - Hybrid

EDR 620 - ESL Methodologies Description

This course provides to English Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) teacher candidates teaching and learning theories and practical applications in diverse education settings. Topics include teaching strategies, materials development, technology integration, and strategies for engaging students with experience of trauma. 20 hours field experience required. Offered each semester.

Available Semesters

Fall 2024 - Hybrid
Winter 2025 - Hybrid

EDR 621 - Foundations of Literacy Description

Foundations of Literacy centers on the introduction of the theoretical, conceptual, and historical foundations of literacy and language and the application of the foundational knowledge in PK-12 classroom settings. Students engage in evaluating and reflecting on the curricula and instructional practices in PK-12 classroom settings. Offered at least once a year. Prerequisite: Acceptance into a graduate certification program.

Available Semesters

Fall 2024 - Online

EDR 624 - Literature for Children Description

Elementary Literacy: Learners, Text, and the Environment centers on teaching with text to meet the learning, developmental, and cultural needs of individual PK-6 learners. This course emphasizes the ways teachers can foster literacy-rich learning environments, while also highlighting the reciprocal relationship between reading and writing. Offered at least once a year.

Available Semesters

Winter 2025 - Online

EDR 625 - Literature for Adolescents Description

Secondary Literacy: Learners, Text, and the Environment centers on teaching with text to meet the learning, developmental, and cultural needs of individual learners in grades 7 through 12. This course emphasizes the ways teachers can foster literacy-rich learning environments, while also highlighting the reciprocal relationship between reading and writing. Offered at least once a year.

Available Semesters

Winter 2025 - Online

EDR 626 - Field-based Literacy Assessmnt Description

Field-based Literacy Assessment for Learning examines research, theory, and assessment practices appropriate for meeting the literacy needs of all PK-12 students. This course is designed to provide state-required clinical experience in diagnosing literacy strengths and needs and to meet PK-12 teacher certification renewal requirements.

Available Semesters

Winter 2025 - Online

EDR 628 - Lit Instruct disciplines PK-6 Description

Literacy Instruction Across Disciplines (PK-6) centers on the application of foundational knowledge to design, analyze, and implement PK-6 literacy curricula, instruction, and literacy-rich environments to meet learners' needs. Students will develop and articulate a holistic vision for literacy curriculum and instruction that integrates content and disciplinary literacies. Offered at least once a year.

Available Semesters

Fall 2024 - Online
Winter 2025 - Online

EDR 630 - Lit Inst Across Disciplin 7-12 Description

Literacy Instruction Across Disciplines centers on the application of foundational knowledge to design, analyze, and implement literacy curricula for grades 7 through 12, instruction, and literacy-rich environments to meet learners' needs. Students will develop and articulate a holistic vision for literacy curriculum and instruction that integrates content and disciplinary literacies. Offered every semester.

Available Semesters

Fall 2024 - Online

EDR 631 - Writing, Teaching, Learning Description

Writing, Teaching, and Learning provides an overview of the research, relevant theories, pedagogies, and essential concepts of writing instruction, with attention to diversity and equity in PK-12 classrooms. Candidates will design, implement, and assess writing instructional practices in the context of student learning. Offered at least once a year. Prerequisite: Teaching experience or admission into a graduate certification program.

Available Semesters

Fall 2024 - Online

EDR 632 - Lit & Lang Interventions Description

Literacy and Language Interventions engages candidates in the research around literacy instructional practices. In this course, candidates will select, adapt, design, and evaluate literacy interventions and approaches to meet the needs of PK-12 learners. This course is designed to provide clinical experience with literacy interventions. Offered fall and winter semesters. Prerequisites: EDR 621 and EDR 626.

Available Semesters

Fall 2024 - Online
Winter 2025 - Online

EDR 634 - English Learner Language Dev Description

This course addresses theories of first language and how speakers of other languages acquire English as well as factors influencing its acquisition. Candidates explore major language teaching approaches and apply effective language teaching strategies with attention to discipline-specific language of content-area instruction. Course requires 15 hours of field experience. Offered winter semester.

Available Semesters

Fall 2024 - Hybrid

EDR 635 - Sociolinguistics Description

Examines how language and language variations are used in social context and the interdependent relationship between language and culture. Provides a theoretical and practical foundation for candidates to use linguistically and culturally responsive teaching strategies. 20 hours field experience required. Offered winter semester.

Available Semesters

Winter 2025 - Hybrid

EDR 636 - Bilingualism & Biliteracy Devl Description

Focuses on knowledge and skills necessary to understand K-12 bilingual/multilingual students, and their development of bilingual competencies and biliteracy skills. Candidates will understand biliteracy/bilingual teaching and assessment strategies, policies, and issues related to bilingual education. 15 hours of fieldwork required. Offered fall semester. Prerequisite: This course is open to any graduate students enrolled at GVSU, because the topics may be valuable to those who are interested in working with children from multicultural/multilingual backgrounds.

Available Semesters

Winter 2025 - Hybrid

EDR 637 - Assessment of English Learners Description

The course provides in-depth study of assessment and testing policies, theories, practices, and equity issues regarding assessing English learners at various English proficiency levels. The course is focused on alternative/authentic assessments and implementation of these assessments in placement/lesson planning, including World-Class Instructional Design and Assessment (WIDA). Fieldwork 15 hrs. Offered winter semester.

Available Semesters

Winter 2025 - Hybrid

EDR 685 - Graduate Field Experience Description

Literacy Instruction Practicum requires candidates to demonstrate the ability to be reflective literacy professionals who apply foundational knowledge of literacy and language in PK-12 classroom settings. Practicum meets university and state requirements for completing supervised, integrated, extended clinical experiences in school-based settings. Offered at least once a year. EDR 685A - Practicum for Reading Teachers EDR 685B - TESOL Prerequisites: Not to be used for initial certification. Completion of emphasis area. Permit required. Credits: 3

Available Semesters

Fall 2024 - Hybrid
Winter 2025 - Online

EDR 687 - Rdng Spec & Lit Coach Prcticum Description

Reading/Literacy Specialist and Literacy Coach Practicum requires candidates to develop knowledge and skills needed to work with PK-12 learners and dispositions and techniques needed to work with PK-12 educators. Practicum meets university and state requirements for completing supervised, integrated, extended clinical experiences in school-based setting(s). Offered spring/summer semester. Prerequisite: EDR 685.

Available Semesters

Fall 2024 - Online

EDR 689 - Prof Development & Leadership Description

Professional Development and Leadership Practicum requires candidates to plan and lead professional development informed by theory, research, and practice concerning PK-12 literacy development, literacy instruction, leadership, professional development, reflection, and reading/literacy specialist responsibilities. Practicum meets university and state requirements for completing supervised, integrated, extended clinical experiences in school-based setting(s). Offered winter semester. Prerequisites: EDR 621, EDR 624 or EDR 625, EDR 626, EDR 628 or EDR 630, EDR 631, EDR 632, and EDR 685.

Available Semesters

Winter 2025 - Online

EDR 693 - Master's Project Description

The student identifies a problem, reviews literature, creates a product based on applicable literature, research or theory that addresses the problem, and develops a plan for implementation and evaluation. Offered every semester. Prerequisites: Completion of 27 credit hours, EDF 660, application required (application deadline: fall May 15, winter September 15, spring/summer February 15), and completion of the Responsible Conduct of Research Training within last three years.

Available Semesters

Fall 2024 - Online
Winter 2025 - Online