Introduction to the history, philosophy, current concepts, practice, and administration of public health in the United States. Offered every semester.
Winter 2025 - Online Spring/Summer 2025 - Online
This course examines the broad foundation in public health theory and tools for its application within the larger scope of public health research and practice. The course will provide an understanding of how both social and behavioral theory is essential in the creation of effective intervention approaches. Offered winter semester. Prerequisite: Admission to the Master of Public Health program.
Winter 2025 - Hybrid
Presents basic concepts of environmental health and occupational health. Students will explore the biological, chemical, and physical factors from the environment (community and occupational) that impact the health of the public at a global and local level. Topics covered include air and water quality and industrial hygiene. Offered winter semester. Prerequisite: Admission to the Master of Public Health program.
Spring/Summer 2025 - Hybrid
Focuses on data collection and management, study design, selection of study subjects, evaluation of bias, confounding, interaction for randomized trials, prospective and retrospective cohort studies, and case-control studies. Offered winter semester. Prerequisites: PH 510 and admission into the Master of Public Health.
Provides students with an understanding of the characteristics of qualitative research by utilizing methods to gain insight into health problems. Students will gain experience in various qualitative methods, techniques, and software. Offered fall semester. Prerequisite: Acceptance into the Master's of Public Health or clinical dietetics program.
Promotes a research-based approach to the prevention and management of chronic diseases from a public health standpoint. This course will educate students on the determinants of chronic diseases in populations and will emphasize interventions that have effectively reduced morbidity and mortality associated with chronic diseases. Offered spring/summer semester. Prerequisite: Admission to the Master of Public Health program.
Introduces the epidemiology of aging and age-related disorders from a public health perspective with a specific focus on epidemiologic methods and their application to the study of function and disease in older adults. Offered spring/summer semester. Prerequisite: PH 602.
Provides students with a broad understanding of the influences on health and disease among women and children, including reproductive issues, infant, child, and maternal morbidity and mortality, abnormal growth and development, and early life factors. Offered fall semester. Prerequisite: Admission to the Master of Public Health.
Will introduce students to the principles, concepts, and methods of conducting an epidemiologic investigation, including epidemiologic study designs and laboratory methods used in infectious disease research. This course will also provide students with a broad understanding of public health surveillance for infectious diseases. Offered spring/summer semester. Prerequisite: Admission to the Master of Public Health program.
Will promote a research-based approach to the understanding of cancer etiology. This course will provide students with a broad understanding of the prevalence of cancer, ranging from the distribution of susceptibility markers, cancer screening, and related health services in a population setting to cancer control and prevention programs. Course offered fall semester. Prerequisite: Admission to the Master of Public Health program.
Focuses on the design of effective learning programs to include specification of objectives, selection and organization of learning activities, and program assessment. Moves between theoretical bases for program development and application examinations. Offered spring/summer semester. Prerequisite: Admission to the Master of Public Health program.
Provides students with the background on health-related behavior theories and health status, to develop and evaluate educational activities designed to improve individual and community health and quality of life. Offered spring/summer semester. Prerequisite: Admission to the Master of Public Health program.
This course provides students with the opportunity to critique and analyze case studies from a variety of successful and unsuccessful public health advocacy examples. There will be an emphasis on how online environments and social media tools contribute to public health advocacy debates and campaigns. Offered winter semester. Prerequisite: Admission to the Master of Public Health program.
Presents patterns, causes, and possible solutions to health disparities. The course will identify the role of race, ethnicity, and socioeconomic status in health research and access and utilization of health services. Offered winter semester. Prerequisite: Admission to the Master of Public Health program.
Analysis of the components and applications of public health social campaigning and distribution: theoretical foundations, research methods, strategy development, program design and implementation, material pretesting, and ethics. Offered winter semester. Prerequisite: Admission to the Master of Public Health program.
This course will compare the practices and venues of public health education in a global setting to those within the United States. It will include extensive hands-on public health experiences in health education design, program planning, implementation, evaluation, resource availability, and application of research principles. Offered spring/summer semester.
Winter 2025 - Online
The public health practicum experience provides a comprehensive and integrated application of the curriculum that allows students to demonstrate professional competency in public health in a practice setting. Offered each semester. Prerequisites: All core public health courses must be complete prior to enrolling in the practicum course and be in good standing within the public health program. The core curriculum includes PA 650, PH 500, PH 505, PH 510, PH 520, PH 525, PH 530, and STA 610.
Guided research project development in public health. This course may be taken in sections and repeated for up to three credits. Offered each semester. Prerequisites: Students must complete the core curriculum prior to enrollment and complete the Responsible Conduct of Research Training within the last three years.
Winter 2025 - Hybrid Spring/Summer 2025 - Hybrid