Fostering Laker Success

Fostering Laker Success strives to recruit and retain youth who have experienced foster care and other out-of-home placements by providing access to resources that encourage successful inclusion within and graduation from the GVSU community. Please complete the form below, to see if you qualify for Fostering Laker Success.

Note: Grand Valley offers 400+ endowed and department scholarships. These scholarships vary and may be based on interests, academic performance, special talents or major. Many of these scholarships are made possible through generous donations. Students may apply for these scholarships each year through myscholarships

Brandy Thompson, M.A.
Program Coordinator/Independent Living Skills Coach
[email protected]
(616) 331-8864

* denotes a required field

Fostering Laker Success Logo


Unaccompanied homeless youth are students (or future students) who lack safe, stable housing and who are not in the care of a parent or guardian. They may have run away from home or been forced to leave by their parents. Unaccompanied youth live in a variety of temporary situations, including shelters, the homes of friends or relatives, cars, campgrounds, public parks, abandoned buildings, motels, and bus or train stations. Unaccompanied youth do not receive financial support from their parents and do not have access to parental information.

How did you hear about Fostering Laker Success Program? *

Eligibility Statement

I understand GVSU/Fostering Laker Success Staff may contact  the state human service agency, or any other relevant agency, to verify my eligibility using information provided on the online FLS  application.  Submission of this application does not guarantee admission to GVSU nor acceptance into the Fostering Laker Success Program. Program participants are required to complete the Intake process for program entry.

 I agree that I will hold GVSU/Fostering Laker Success  harmless as a result of contact with any such agency.



Applicants who are still in high school must also apply for the Tuition Incentive Program before graduating from high school by calling (888) 447-2687.  Michigan Fostering Futures Scholarships are due August 1. 


Human Verification *

Page last modified August 16, 2024