Request for SWS Credit for Undergraduate Research Projects

Students participating in the OURS Student Scholars Programs can request SWS credit for their project and/ or manuscript. To make this request, students submit a written proposal before the beginning of the program.

Additionally, students enrolled in Independent Research courses (499 courses) can request SWS credit for completing their independent research projects. To make this request, students must submit a proposal by the Friday of Week 2 of the semester. The CUSE Director and the SWS Director will review the proposal. Students and their faculty mentors will be notified of their approval status within 10 business days. Final projects should be submitted by the Friday of Week 15. The CUSE Director and the SWS Director will review this proposal. Students and faculty mentors will be notified of their proposal status within 10 business days.

* denotes a required field

Student Information

Student Preferred Pronouns

Student Designation *

Faculty Information

Faculty Preferred Pronouns

Proposal Information

In order to receive SWS credit for a Student Summer Scholars project, scholars will need to detail how their project or manuscript will meet the basic requirements for SWS credit. Please indicate how the project will meet the following requirements:

Scholars and faculty mentors will receive a copy of the proposal upon hitting submit.

Human Verification *

Page last modified September 13, 2024