Faculty Confirmation/Recommendation for GVSU Undergraduate Research/Creative Scholar Request for Transcript Designation

Exemplary GVSU Undergraduate students who have pursued research or creative projects are eligible to receive a designation of “Undergraduate Research Scholar” or “Undergraduate Creative Scholar” on their official transcript. Applicants need to demonstrate they have a minimum of two semesters of research, scholarship, or creative activity supervised by a tenured, or tenure track faculty mentor. The applicants must also provide a recommendation from a faculty mentor that explains why the student’s research and scholarship is beyond that of a typical student.

Your Faculty Confirmation/Endorsement will be combined with the student's application.

* denotes a required field

Faculty Information

Student Information

Confirmation/Endorsement Information

In what capacity do you know the student? *

Type of independent research: *

Please identify the summer scholars progam(s): *

To your knowledge, this student has disseminated the research: *

Human Verification *

Page last modified July 1, 2024