WEATHER ALERT: GVSU will move to REMOTE STATUS for Tuesday, Jan. 21, 2025. Classes shift to remote.
2005 Student Summer Scholars
Andrew Berke
Development of technologies for monitoring isotope ratios in environmental samples and chemical reaction progress via laser-based vibrational spectroscopy
Faculty Mentor: Stephanie Schaertel, Chemistry
Emily Blamer
Asymmetric Synthesis of Chiral Silanes Faculty
Mentor: Randy Winchester, Chemistry
James Bouwman
Form Follows Function: Establishing the Correlation between Metal-Olefin Bong Asymmetry and the Reactivity of the Olefin
Faculty Mentor: Stephen Matchett, Chemistry
Kevin Donner
Energetics of a superabundant brown trout (Salmo trutta) population, Sand Creek, MI
Faculty Mentor: Eric Snyder, Biology
Katie Erdman
Ancient Transcaucasian Migrations in Anatolia: A Petrographic Analysis of Pottery from Malatya Turkey
Faculty Mentor: Mark Schwartz, Anthropology
Cynthia Groenink
Mathematics Remediation for Low Achieving Elementary Students Using Districts Mandated Assessments
Faculty Mentor: John Golden, Mathematics
David Howard
Study of Temperature and Light Intensity Dependence of Photoconductivity in Semiconductor Materials
Faculty Mentor: Lihong (Heidi) Jiao, Engineering
Timothy Major
Bioinformation Algorithm Development Using Matlab
Faculty Mentor: Manish Chakrabarti
Stacy Makino
Muscle Activation during Therapeutic Exercises of the Shoulder
Faculty Mentor: Brian Hatzel, Movement Science
Samuel Otten
Exploring dynamics of the dual billiard map in the hyperbolic place
Faculty Mentor: Feliz Dogru, Mathematics
Matt Race
Improving the Statistical Curriculum Sequence
Faculty Mentor: John Gabrosek, Statistics
Maysee Salleva
Environmental Phosphorus Analysis by 31P NMR
Faculty Mentor: John Bender, Chemistry
Peter Schwallier
How does separability affect the desirability of referendum election outcomes?
Faculty Mentor: Jonathan Hodge, Mathematics
Nathan Siladke
Water Evaporation From Tropospheric Aerosols
Faculty Mentor: Chris Lawrence, Chemistry
Aranda Slabbekoorn
Combined Molecular Mechanics/Electronic Structure Examination of the Ultrafast Vibrational Spectroscopy of Carbonmonoxy-myoglobin
Faculty Mentor: Chris Lawrence, Chemistry
Christopher Smith
Hypergeometric Summation and WZ
Faculty Mentor: Akalu Tefera, Mathematics
Michelle Smith
The Meaning of Education Project
Faculty Mentor: Donna Henderson-King, Psychology
Nathan Smith
Stylized Time: Music as Symbolic Process
Faculty Mentor: Kelly Parker, Philosophy
Brittany Stropich
Protein Interactions in Diaphanous-related Formins: defining specific biochemical interactions involved in the regulation of important cellular processes
Faculty Mentor: Bradley Wallar, Chemistry
Catherine Sundt
Social Dimensions of Consumption in Santiago, Chile
Faculty Mentor: Joel Stillerman, Sociology
Timothy Trichler
Acute Responses of Pulmonary and Coronary Arteries to Natural Steroids
Faculty Mentor: Frank Sylvester, Biomedical Sciences
Adam Werts
Neurotoxic Effects of PCB Congeners in Goldfish
Faculty Mentor: Xiaojuan (Xandra) Xu, Psychology
Catherine Willis
Study of the human mitochondrial DNA polymorphism
Faculty Mentor: Alexey Nikitin, Biology
If you'd like to see more about some of these scholars' projects, then check out the abstract document.