2011 Student Summer Scholars
Eric Baumgarten
The Sincerity of Reform: Henry Ford's Five-Dollar Day and the Ideological Underpinnings of Progressive Era Reform
Faculty Mentor: Matthew Lawrence Daley, History
Megan DeKievit
The Electric (Fender) Bass: Its Origins and Influence on the Evolution of Jazz and the Development of Contemporary Music
Faculty Mentor: Tim Froncek, Music
Heidi Fegel
Exploring the Institutional and Ideological Sources of Guatemalan Military Interventionism
Faculty Mentor: Andrew Schlewitz, Latin American Studies
Eliscia Fought
Do you speak Chemistry? Assessing the degree of inconsistency between expert and novice interpretations of exam questions
Faculty Mentor: Nathan Barrows, Chemistry
Megan Glazier
Bone Densities of the Frontal and Maxillary Sinuses, Determined by CT Scans to Aid in Limiting Complications of Endonasal Sinus Surgery (ESS)
Faculty Mentor: James Christopher Reed, Biomedical Sciences
Timothy Godfrey
Identification of the LEA gene family in the Orchidaceae
Faculty Mentors: Sheila Blackman, Biology & Pei-Lan Tsou, Cell and Molecular Biology
Laura Goldsmith
Don't spray the wasps! Using Polistes paper wasps for pest management in the home garden
Faculty Mentor: Michael Henshaw, Biology
Paige Goote
Crayfish as a Potential Control for Zebra Mussel Populations
Faculty Mentor: Daniel Bergman, Biomedical Sciences
Justin Hackett
Regulation of the scaffolding protein Mid1 in fission yeast cell division
Faculty Mentor: Dawn Clifford Hart, Cell & Molecular Biology
Brandon Harris
Comparing two methods for estimating stream fish abundance
Faculty Mentor: Carl Ruetz, Annis Water Resources Institute
Noah Jansen-Yee
Food webs and rivers: Importance of floodplain connectivity
Faculty Mentor: Eric Snyder, Biology
Amy Jenkins
Identification of tissue-specific mRNA expression from the Hdc gene of Drosophila
Faculty Mentor: Martin Burg, Biomedical Sciences
Elizabeth King
Mapping Neural Stem Cell Domains in the Ventral Midbrain of the Chick Embryo
Faculty Mentor: Merritt Taylor, Biomedical Sciences
Greg Kortman
Resonance and the Carbon - Silicon Double Bond
Faculty Mentor: Randy Winchester, Chemistry
Jonathan Lehmann
The Synthesis of Modified Chromenes
Faculty Mentor: Matthew Hart, Chemistry
Kája Lill
Stylistic Divergences in Jazz: Comparing the European and American Mainstream Jazz Traditions
Faculty Mentor: Kurt Ellenburg, Honors College
Lauren Longo
Woodrow Wilson's Personality and his Struggle: A Case Study and “Counterfactual Thought Experiment
Faculty Mentor: Thomas Walker, Political Science
Rachelle McLaughlin
Another Silent Spring? Analyzing Patterns in an Emerging Epizootic in North America
Faculty Mentor: Shaily Menon, Biology
E. Drake Parker
The Concept of Infinity in Ancient Greek Mathematics
Faculty Mentor: David Austin, Mathematics
Jessica Riley
The Genetic Profile of Early East European Farmers
Faculty Mentor: Alexey Nikitin, Biology
David Schlueter
Modeling Social Networks with Random and Fuzzy Graphs
Faculty Mentor: Jiyeon Suh, Mathematics
Kirsten Tissue
Development of Novel MRI Contrast Agents
Faculty Mentor: Shannon Biros, Chemistry
Misty Van Brocklin
The role of CBL10 in flowering
Faculty Mentor: Margaret Dietrich, Cell & Molecular Biology
Jacob Voetberg
Investigating Antimatter-Matter Interactions in Gases
Faculty Mentor: Richard Vallery, Physics
Brittany Wildgen
The Synthesis and Testing of GV-2 Chemical Derivatives for Antibacterial Activity
Faculty Mentors: Roderick Morgan, Biology & Robert Smart, Chemistry
If you'd like to see more about these scholars' projects, then check out the Student Summer Scholars Summer Showcase Abstract Book.