Answers to your LPR questions

What is license plate recognition (LPR)? 

LPR is technology that uses cameras and software to translate license plate images into text to compare to our parking permit software. Any vehicles noted out of compliance will be checked by staff in real-time to confirm the information is accurate. If not in compliance, a parking violation will be issued. 

How long will the data be stored?

Scanned data is only retained for the duration of time needed to validate and write the violation.  

How does LPR work with parking garages?

LPR will be used to enforce designated parking zone locations in garages. LPR is used to ensure a permit is valid or payment via ParkMobile has been made.

Should I park with my license plate visible to the drive lane?

Absolutely! Parking enforcement will consist of both Enforcement staff and LPR technology. This will greatly help the efficiency of permit enforcement. Please remember, until GVSU completely moves away from physical permits, either the paper permit or plate must be displayed.

What happens if I drive a motorcycle to campus?

Motorcyclists need to ensure they are parked in designated motorcycle parking locations. Currently, motorcycles are not required to have a permit while on campus. 

What will happen if my license plate becomes snow-covered and unreadable?

Your plate should be kept clear of all snow or debris as possible.

How many license plate numbers can I register on my account?

At this time, you may register up to 5 license plates on your account. Only one vehicle/plate can be attached to your permit at a time. Please make sure the vehicle you are parking on campus is the one you have associated/attached to your permit.

If I have a guest, do I need to register the license plate?

Currently, visitors are still able to display the paper permit issued by faculty/staff from the online request system.  Students who have a visitor on campus must have them visit either parking office to register their vehicle to be on campus.  Protocol for visitors displaying a visitor permit or parking in designated visitor locations will not change at this time.

Page last modified December 6, 2022