Charles Hogg

Affiliate Professor

Department of Philosophy

Office: B-3 219 Mackinace Hall; Allendale Campus


Phone: (616) 331-8080 (voicemail)

Fax: (616) 331-2601

Charles Hogg

Charles Hogg did his undergraduate studies at Grove City College (B.A., 1978). Following an M.Div. at Concordia Theological Seminary (1982), he studied for his doctorate at Indiana University in Bloomington (Ph.D. 1997). His dissertation was a critical edition, translation and essay on Barlaam of Calabria's Ethica Secundum Stoicos, a work dating from the 1340's. His interests include Mediaeval Philosophy, Stoicism, and the appropriation of the ancient philosophical schools by the Christian tradition-particularly Byzantine (eastern) Christianity. He is also a member of the advisory council for the Russian Studies department here at Grand Valley State University.

Page last modified January 31, 2020