Peggy Vandenberg
Office: Mackinac Hall B-3 205; Allendale Campus
Phone: Ext.: 12496 (voice-mail)
Email: [email protected]
Professor Phyllis (Peggy) Vandenberg received her Ph.D. in Philosophy from the University of Utah. She is a member of the Executive Committee for the Society for Ethics across the Curriculum and an active member of the American Association for Practical and Professional Ethics. She co-edited Developing Moral Sensitivity (Routledge, 2015 with Deborah S. Mower and Wade L. Robison) and co-directed (with Deborah S. Mower) the 14th International Conference of the Society for Ethics across the Curriculum at Grand Valley State University in 2012. She is a contributor and reviewer for the Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy and on the review board for the journal, Teaching Ethics. Her presentations and publications are primarily on the ethical theories of the 18th century Scots: Francis Hutcheson, David Hume, Adam Smith, and Thomas Reid. Her latest pieces are "Relationships and the Spectator Perspectives in Hutcheson, Hume, and Smith" in Cultura: International Journal of Philosophy of Culture and Axiology, "Reid and Hume in Agreement on Moral Foundations" in Journal of Scottish Thought (University of Aberdeen Press 2011), and "A Humean Look at Feminist's Ethics" Special European Legacy Edition on Hume (Routledge, June 2013).
Vandenberg has been teaching full time in the Philosophy and Liberal Studies Departments since 1993. The range of her teaching has included in Philosophy: PHI 313 Early Modern Greats, PHI 460 Value Theory, PHI 325 Ethics in Professional Life, PHI 101 Introduction to Philosophy, PHI 102 Introduction to Ethics and in Liberal Studies: LIB 495 Senior Seminar, LIB 314 Life Journey, LIB 311 Meaning, LIB 100 Introduction to Liberal Studies.