
There are many options for you to watch and participate in sporting events in and around Grand Rapids. Cost and availability will depend on the type of sport and the level you want to see/play.

Some of the more professional teams play a few hours away and tickets cost tends to be higher. Local teams are easily accessible in Grand Rapids and are more affordable. 

Intramural Sports


Intramural Sports offers a variety of sports for participants of all skill levels in an inclusive, fun, and recreational environment. Participants can join co-rec, men's, women's, or open competition and typically play 1-2 games a week per sport.

Available sports include: volleyball, badminton, field hockey, flag football, dodgeball, ultimate frisbee, golf scramble, and basketball.

Checkout Intramural Sports website to know more about information on rules, registration, and schedules. 

Club Sports


Club Sports provide a team environment for students who are looking for a more competitive and intense experience with a balance of time commitment.

Our over 38 clubs offer opportunities in women’s, men’s, and coed sports teams: Boxing, Fencing ,Table Tennis ,Taekwondo, Rowing, Wrestling,...

Club Sports teams are run by students, for students, with the help of GV administrative staff and club-appointed coaches.

Checkout Club Sports for more information. 

Watching GVSU Sports


GVSU Football- Most Saturdays during the fall. Home games are free to students with your GVSU I.D. card.

GVSU Athletics: We proudly support baseball, softball, lacrosse, golf, volleyball, tennis, soccer, swim & dive, and track & field. 

Check out GVSU Athletics website for info about tickets, schedule,...

Watching Sports Outside of GVSU

Redwings Hockey- The Redwings are Michigan's National Hockey League professional team. Games take place in Detroit (3hr drive).

Tickets should be purchased online in advance as entry is not guaranteed otherwise.

Griffins Hockey- Games take place at the Van Andel Arena in downtown Grand Rapids. Home games happen midweek through the weekend.

Check the schedule for games. Tickets can be bought at the game or online. 

Whitecaps Baseball- Grand Rapid's local minor league team. Some games include post-game events such as fireworks or laser light shows.

Tickets can be bought at the park or online but online will assure you seating with friends and groups. Parking costs between 5-10 dollars.

Detroit Tiger's Baseball- Michigan's professional baseball team. They also play in Detroit.

Information on parking and game day events can be found on their website.

Tickets should be purchased in advance.  

Grand Rapid's Drive Basketball- Our new local basketball team will have their first season in 204-2015.

They will play at the DeltaPlex arena located in the Grand Rapids area.

Tickets and schedule will be available soon on the website.

Detroit Pistons- Michigan's professional basketball team.

Games are played in Detroit and tickets should be purchased in advance. 

Michigan State Uni vs. Uni of Michigan Rivalry

Like many places, Michigan has a strong long-standing team rivalry about which people get very passionate. You may notice that many people in Michigan support one of two teams when it comes to sports in general, the Michigan State University Spartans and the University of Michigan Wolverines.

Even at GVSU where we support our Lakers, you will find students and staff usually have a strong opinion about which of these two teams is the better. Most of the time this is all just for fun but some people feel very emotional about it so be prepared.

You may want to or be invited to attend one of these two teams' games. Feel free to do so as many at GVSU support a team along side our GVSU teams.

Page last modified May 22, 2024