GVSU Grants for Faculty & Staff
The Padnos International Center offers a wide-range of grants to support faculty, staff, and departmental interests in developing international activities. The following grant programs are designed to encourage faculty and staff to engage in collaborative educational exchanges with GVSU’s international partners, work towards GVSU’s internationalization goals, and to increase our understanding of different education systems and cultures around the world.
Grant recipients are expected to incorporate their experiences abroad into their work at GVSU and to be advocates for international exchange within our campus community.
Faculty/Staff Exchange Program (we are not currently accepting applications)
Germany: PHSG Grant
Partnership Development Grant (we are not currently accepting applications)
Partner Sustenance Grant (we are not currently accepting applications)
Academic Advisor Spain Delegation Grant
Application Deadline: May 1, 2024
Eligibility: Academic Advisors
Joining the Spain familiarization trip offers academic advisors a unique opportunity to enhance their advising capabilities by gaining firsthand experience and understanding of the educational landscape and cultural nuances in Spain. As academic advisors, your role is pivotal in guiding students through their academic journey, and this trip presents a chance to broaden your perspective and enrich your ability to support students in their academic and personal growth.
Spain ranks as the top destination for US study abroad students due to its rich cultural heritage and immersive experiences. The upcoming delegation trip will be centered in Seville, with planned excursions to Madrid and Granada, offering delegates ample opportunities to engage with local communities and deepen their understanding of Spain's diverse cultural landscape.
The tentative dates for the 2024 delegation trip to Spain are scheduled for the first week of October 2024. A comprehensive itinerary will be tailored to the selected delegates once the delegation has been finalized.
APPLICATION DEADLINES: February 1 and October 1 (For travel completed within one calendar year)
ELIGIBILITY: Faculty*, AP Staff, PSS Staff and Maintenance Staff
PLEASE NOTE: Average exchange is 1 week
The Faculty/Staff Exchange Program is designed to significantly deepen or broaden GVSU’s comprehensive partnerships with select overseas institutions. This program is aimed at helping units and individuals realize existing internationalization goals. In particular, this program is an avenue to bring appropriate individuals from partner institutions here to the GVSU campuses so that our community can learn from them; the program supports reciprocal travel by appropriate individuals to visit the partner institutions, too. Grant awards are meant to provide enough funds for one individual to travel in each direction, but units or colleges may contribute funds for additional travelers.
Germany: Pädagogische Hochschule Schwäbisch Gmund Grant
GVSU has been partnered with Pädagogische Hochschule Schwäbisch Gmünd (PHSG) in Germany since 2006. This partnership offers both student and faculty exchange opportunities. Since 2009, the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences (CLAS) has been facilitating faculty exchanges for CLAS faculty. In addition to welcoming many PHSG faculty here at GVSU, many GVSU faculty have taught in Germany at PHSG during the spring/summer session. Recently, this program has expanded to include the College of Education and Community Innovation (CECI). GVSU faculty from either of these colleges can apply to participate in the faculty exchange each year.
For more information, contact Donovan Anderson (CLAS) [email protected] or Sherie Klee (Williams) (CECI) [email protected]
Applications are considered on a rolling basis until funds are depleted
ELIGIBILITY: GVSU Departments (Individual faculty and staff members are not eligible to apply for this grant)
The Partnership Development Grant is available to departments interested in furthering the development of an existing or new international partnership. Funding is limited and is intended to provide assistance for initiatives that are
due to take place in the first year of a new project. We encourage departments to explore how GVSU’s international partnerships can enrich the offerings and activities within their respective area and how a partnership development grant could help meet the department’s goals. Preference will be given to projects in which the unit or college commits matching funds and to those projects that can show evidence of benefits to GVSU students.
Applications are considered on a rolling basis until funds are depleted
ELIGIBILITY: Faculty* (Conditions apply, see below for details)
The Partnership Sustenance Grant has been developed to support faculty that have been involved with a partner institution for many years and have made significant contributions to the development of the partnership. The grant offers funding for short-term exchange opportunities that focus on nurturing relationships and sustaining program activities.
*Faculty: Tenured, tenure-track or full-time affiliate faculty with five years at GVSU