Hofma Park Plant Videos



Hofma Park - Spring 1

Hofma Park - Spring 1

0:00 barberry, wild lily-of-the-valley, spicebush, cherry, equisetum, walking
3:00 dewberry, violet, spicebush, hemlock, sedges, sensitve fern fertile frond from last year, iris, mayapple, wild lily-of-the-valley, muscle wood,
7:30 carex
9:25 Not witch hazel actually an alder, dogwood (red oasier)
10:40 alnus speckeled alder
11:30 rosa palustris marsh rose, cinnamon fern, speckeled alder -most common shrub in northern michigan wetland, walking, old sensitive fern fertile fronds
13:50 royal fern, marsh marigold, carex, sensitive fern, iris and carex mixture, mixture of dogwood willow alder, duckweed
17:45 willows with catkins, cattail, wetland ecology

Hofma Park - Spring 2

Hofma Park - Spring 2

0:00 beech drop, beech seedlings, solomon seal, sugar maple seedlings

Hofma Park - Spring 3

Hofma Park - Spring 3

0:00 sensitive fern, ribies gooseberry current, cinnamon fern, royal fern, weak not helpful nightshade, elderberry

Hofma Park - Spring 4

Hofma Park - Spring 4

0:00 bladderwort, coontail, pondweed potamogeton, elodea waterweed, duckweed
4:10 arrow arum versus sagittaria arrowhead
6:33 polygonum smartweed, purple loosestrife, spirea, viburnum
10:22 dogwood



Hofma Park - Fall 1

Hofma Park - Fall 1

Lythrum salicaria, Rosa palustris, Spirodela, Lemna minor, Utricularia, Elodea, Potamogeton, Ceratophyllum, Polygonum, Peltandra, Nuphar, Nymphaea

Hofma Park - Fall 2

Hofma Park - Fall 2

Rosa palustris, Spirea, Cornus, Nymphaea

Hofma Park - Fall 3

Hofma Park - Fall 3

Peltandra, Sagittaria, Pontedaria, Solanum dulcamara, Cyperaceae, Leersia, bur-reed (Sparganum), Cyperus, Phalaris, Alisma, Sagaittaria, Apiaceae, Cicuta, Lycopus, Sambucus, Bidens, Cornus, Ulmus, Rumex, Leerzia, Fraxinus

Hofma Park - Fall 4

Hofma Park - Fall 4

Ludwigia palustris, Alnus, Sambucus

Hofma Park - Fall 5

Hofma Park - Fall 5

Bidens, Vitis, Onoclea, Equisetum, Alnus, Eupatorium perfoliatum, Eupatorium maculatum, Lycopus, Rosa, Fraxinus, Acer rubrum, Juncus, List

Page last modified July 10, 2021