Policy Details
Date of Last Update
- Senior Leadership Team
Responsible Office
Information Technology
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Secure Office Procedure
SLT 11.11
Policy Statement
It is the responsibility of all employees of the University to protect sensitive data against loss or theft. Awareness, education and practice of the following procedures can assist in this matter. These procedures are in place to help protect employees, customers, contractors and the university from damages related to the loss or misuse of sensitive information.
This document refers to securing sensitive data and physical hardware within an office environment or mobile environment where data may be referenced (at home or on a laptop). It is not meant to address electronic data stored on university servers.
In order to effectively protect and secure university data, the following goals have been established:
a) Create, distribute and annually review the
“Secure Office Procedure” document
b) Train all staff members
whose jobs relate to sensitive data on both the “Secure Office
Procedure” and Information Security Best Practices
c) Train
departmental managers to be aware of the importance of the procedures
and the need to enforce them
Staff Training
Employee awareness and education is an integral part of securing sensitive data for the university. The following procedures will be enforced to ensure proper training:
a) Upon hire, the Secure Office Procedure and
Setting Strong Password documents are emailed to the new employee
Secure Office Procedures Page 2 of 4
b) Secure Office Procedure
and Setting Strong Password documents are sent annually to all
employees via email
c) Internal training, specific to each area,
will be provided to employees who have access to sensitive data
Information Technology will provide Best Practices information at IT
seminars and offer to attend annual departmental meetings to cover the
below topics:
i. Awareness of Social Engineering schemes
ii. Secure Office Procedures
iii. Strong Password creation
iv. Data storage
v. Data encryption
vi. Backups
vii. Anti-virus and Anti-spyware tools
viii. Non-secure technologies
The following procedures should be followed within office suites, individual offices or workrooms and mobile locations where data may be referenced:
a) Keys or keycards used for access to sensitive
data should not be left unattended
b) Passwords should not be
shared or written down and left in accessible locations
c) If you
have a student that will regularly be using your machine, contact the
IT Service Desk and request a staff account for that student. (Do NOT
give out your password)
d) Make certain passwords aren't common
information such as date of birth, names of children, pets, telephone
numbers, etc.
e) When you leave your workstation, lock your
computer screen
f) Lock up laptops, USB drives, external drives,
etc. when unsupervised
g) Contact the IT Service Desk when a
computer is to be passed to a new user. IT will clean the computer,
removing previous data and place a clean image on the machine.
Printouts containing sensitive data should be removed from networked
printers immediately and filed appropriately in secure cabinets
Dispose of sensitive data on hard copy by shredding immediately
Departmental front desk staff should confirm identity of all visitors
(GVSU staff/student workers or non-GVSU employees) who are entering
their area(s)
i. Employees should feel comfortable requesting what unit someone is from and the purpose of their visit
ii. Employees should feel comfortable confirming meeting prior to allowing staff member/student employee to proceed within their departmental areas
iii. Confirm with the GVSU employee they are scheduled to meet
iv. Non-GVSU employees must be escorted to/from meeting area/work area
v. Request ID if necessary
vi. Provide front office staff the ability to view your calendar or print a schedule of your meetings in advance so they will expect attendees
k) All staff should be responsible to watch for or listen to any unusual activity and to be cognizant of their surroundings.
Sensitive Information
Sensitive data can be distributed via hard copy or electronic means within an office. When given the choice, store data electronically versus printing a hard copy. Consider scanning a document to store it electronically versus hard copy.
a) “Sensitive information” includes but is not limited to the following items, whether stored in electronic or printed format:
i. All FERPA protected data*
ii. Credit card number (in part or in whole)
iii. Credit card expiration date
iv. Cardholder name
v. Cardholder address
vi. Social Security Number
vii. Business Identification Number
viii. Employer Identification Number
ix. Paychecks
x. Paystubs
xi. Benefit information
xii. Giving information/history
xiii. Health information
xiv. Content of external grants or contracts
b) Securing hard copy sensitive data:
i. Lock cabinets containing sensitive data when not in use or when away for extended periods of time
ii. Storage rooms containing sensitive data should be locked at the end of the day or when unsupervised
iii. Desks, workstations, common work areas, printers, and fax machines should be cleared of all sensitive data when not in use
iv. Whiteboards, dry erase boards, writing tablets, etc. should be erased, removed or shredded when not in use
v. Documents to be shredded should be done so immediately or locked up until shredding can occur
vi. At the end of the day, all sensitive data should be in a locked drawer or cabinet
c) Securing electronic sensitive data. Please contact Information Technology if there are questions in how you are storing/sharing sensitive data electronically.
i. Refrain, when possible from storing sensitive data on your personal computer hard drive or any external personal devices. Instead use the network drive space.
ii. If storing sensitive data is required on your personal computer hard drive or an external device, encryption and password protection should be applied
iii. Engage the screensaver when workspace is unoccupied
iv. Computer workstations should be shut down completely at end of work day
v. Lock laptop or external devices containing sensitive data when not in use
vi. Make certain data and/or PC work station screens are not visible to the public (e.g.- near windows, entry/exit doors, etc.)
vii. If email is used to share sensitive data,
encryption and/or password protection should be used. The following
statement should accompany the body of the email:
“This message
may contain confidential and/or proprietary information and is
intended for the person/entity to whom it was originally addressed.
Any use by others is strictly prohibited.”
*See information regarding FERPA data at www.gvsu.edu/registrar and
click on FERPA