Policy Details

Date of Last Update

Approved By
  • University Academic Senate / Provost

Responsible Office
Provost Office


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Undergraduate Student Employees

SG 6.02

  1. Policy
  2. History


Undergraduate Student Employees

Full-time students enrolled at the University may be hired as student employees. All units should have a budget allocation for student employees. Wages paid to a student employee must follow the wage schedule available in the Student Employment Office. In addition, when classes are in session students without work-study are not permitted to work in excess of 25 hours per week. Students with work-study are restricted to the number of hours according to their work-study award. Work-study and regular student employees must be paid an hourly rate and hours-worked reported in the University’s electronic time keeping system. Faculty members should communicate their needs for student employees to their unit heads. All student employees must complete the online training session with their supervisor to work as a student employee of the University.

Student employees may assist in departmental operations, tutoring, and laboratory and studio sessions under the direct supervision of appropriate staff and faculty.  Student employees may also assist in the evaluation of student exams and assignments, provided that they have been approved by the Dean of the unit in which they work and they have completed FERPA training offered by the university.  The scope of their assistance, including questions on access to gradebooks, are addressed in the FERPA training. Student employees are expressly barred from providing independent instruction in the classroom. They are also barred from administering or proctoring exams and assignments without faculty or approved staff supervision.  Student employees may not be exposed to confidential personnel matters or academic records that are irrelevant to their work assignment.  

This policy does not apply to graduate student assistants.


April 5, 2018 - language amended based on memo from Provost dated April 2, 2018
January 7, 2019 - retitled from FH 1.08