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  • Board of Trustees

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Office of General Counsel


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Academic Affairs

BOT 3.1


3.1 Academic Organization

3.1.1  Academic Colleges

The table of organization indicates eight colleges under Academic Affairs: College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, Seidman College of Business, College of Computing, College of Education and Community Innovation, Padnos College of Engineering, College of Health Professions, Kirkhof College of Nursing, and Brooks College of Interdisciplinary Studies. Each college is headed by a dean. They are the appointing officer for that college.

3.1.2  Library

The library's primary goals are to: 1) unify content and provide intuitive access to information resources; 2) develop robust outreach and instruction programs to support teaching and learning of students and faculty; 3) build programs to support new models of scholarly dissemination; 4) build sustainable collections that respond to emerging models and support the university community needs; 5) optimize library space; and 6) offer high-quality library services