WEATHER ALERT: GVSU will move to REMOTE STATUS for Wednesday, January 22, 2025. Classes shift to remote.
Policy Details
Date of Last Update
Approved By
- Board of Trustees
Responsible Office
Office of General Counsel
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Regular Faculty - Kinds of Regular Academic Appointments
BOT 4.2.3
Policy Statement
4.2.3 Kinds of Regular Academic Appointments
Probationary Appointments. Probationary
appointments are one, two, three or four year appointments which are
renewable for a defined period of time at the end of which the
appointees will be given an appointment with continuous tenure or
the appointment will not be renewed.
Tenured. Appointments with continuous tenure do not
occur automatically but are awarded by the University upon the
recommendation of the appropriate College or University Libraries
Personnel Committee.
Honorary Faculty. This is an honorary appointment
applicable to persons who are not employed by the University, but
serve students such as in clinical settings.
Distinguished Professor. Distinguished Professors
are faculty members appointed by the University President. These
appointments are at-will. Appointees have the right to terminate
their employment at any time with or without cause or notice.
Likewise, the University may terminate the appointment with or
without cause or notice as it deems appropriate. All terms and
conditions of employment shall be stated in the appointment letter.
These appointments are without tenure and will not lead to tenure.
Therefore, Sections
4.2.5- 4.2.17 and 4.2.25
(related to renewal, promotion, tenure, probation, reduction in
force, discipline, discharge, sabbatical, etc.) do not apply to
these appointments.
- Academic Appointments not covered by this Section. Those persons assigned to adjunct or other non-regular positions are not covered by Sections 4.2.1-4.2.30 of the Board of Trustees' Policies (see Section 4.3.0, Non-Tenure Track Faculty and Section 4.4.0, Executive, Administrative and Professional Staff).