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Regular Faculty Written Statement of Appointment (Including Joint Appointments)
BOT 4.2.4 -
Policy Statement
4.2.4. Written Statement of Appointment
Every person appointed to a position covered by these sections BOT 4.2.1 - 4.2.30, shall receive a statement in writing, from the Dean or other appropriate Appointing Officer, of the terms and conditions of the appointment before the appointment becomes effective. All appointments are subject to the provisions of these policies and Board of Trustees approval. Joint Appointment Because of the importance of teaching, scholarship and service at the University, joint appointments may be desirable in certain circumstances. A joint appointment is a formal arrangement between two units that specifies the terms under which a member of one unit also provides service to the other unit. For purposes of a joint appointment, "unit" can mean College, department, school, program or University Libraries. The "primary unit" is where the faculty member's tenure status resides and the "secondary unit" negotiates for some portion of the faculty member's service.
1. Joint appointments shall be made when a faculty member serves two units for an academic year or longer. Providing academic service to a unit for one course (or its equivalent) per academic year for one or more years shall not be considered a joint appointment for purposes of this policy.
2. The conditions of an individual joint appointment must be detailed at the time of initial joint appointment in a written Memorandum of Understanding between the primary and secondary units and the faculty member. The Memorandum of Understanding shall include the following:
a. expectations for teaching, scholarship and service
in each unit to which the faculty member is jointly appointed;
b. the proportion of the faculty member’s FTE that
will be assigned to each unit. Specifically, three considerations need
to be addressed: (i) the weighting of professional performance factors
(teaching, scholarship, and service) that will apply to the individual
on joint appointment; (ii) clear assignment of work effort in both
units, (for example, number of courses taught, obligations for
advising students, committee work, scholarship/creative expression,
expectation for attending unit faculty meetings, etc.); (iii) how
mentoring and other aspects of faculty development will be handled for
new faculty;
c. the process for annual evaluation of the faculty
member’s professional work. The secondary unit head/director will
prepare summary comments and assign a rating (less than satisfactory,
satisfactory, exemplary) for each of the categories of teaching,
scholarship, and service; these comments will be forwarded to the
primary unit and the faculty member by a date chosen by the Provost’s
Office. The primary unit will use the secondary unit’s performance
summary when conducting the evaluation of performance in its usual
manner. The primary unit head will write the annual evaluation of
performance and will attach a copy of the input from the secondary unit;
d. a requirement that the chairs of constituent units
will confer at least annually to coordinate teaching and service
responsibilities of jointly-appointed faculty, to insure that the
overall load of teaching and service obligations does not exceed that
of comparable faculty with appointments wholly in one unit;
e. address requests for various types of leave.
Normally such decisions rest with the Dean of the faculty member's
primary unit; however, chairs and deans of all units involved with the
appointment will provide assessments of the requested leave before the
dean makes a decision;
f. address voting rights on non-personnel matters in
the secondary unit (for example, voting on curricular decisions,
allocations of department/program resources, etc.);
g. address the joint appointee's representational
rights in the faculty governance system; and,
h. the amount of compensation (if any) that will be
paid to the primary unit.
3. The units must agree on the proportion of the joint
appointee's time that will be spent in each unit and include this
information in the Memorandum of Understanding.
4. The Memorandum of Understanding must be approved and signed by
the chairs of the involved units, the faculty member, the Dean(s), and
the Provost/Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs before a
joint appointment takes effect.
5. The primary unit is responsible for reappointment, tenure, and promotion recommendations. These personnel actions will be governed by the written procedures of the primary unit; however, in the annual evaluation(s), the secondary unit will also provide summary comments about the performance of the joint appointee that relates to any of these decisions. A joint appointee is eligible to be considered for sabbatical grants and research funding in the same manner as faculty members not jointly appointed. The primary unit is responsible for initiating and carrying through the procedures leading to these decisions. The secondary unit will also provide summary comments about the performance of the joint appointee that relates to any of these decisions.
6. With regard to personnel matters, joint
appointees will have full voting rights in their primary unit,
regardless of the percentage of service performed in that unit.
Normally, joint appointees will have the same rank in all units to
which they are assigned.
7. Joint appointees will submit the same Faculty Workload Report
(FWR) and annual Faculty Workload Plan (FWP) to the chairs of the
primary unit and the secondary unit. Both unit heads should sign the
FWR and the FWP. If recruiting for a joint appointment, the primary
and secondary units will be represented on the search committee.
8. The joint appointment will be reviewed periodically and is
subject to renewal or termination at will by either the primary unit
or secondary unit effective no earlier than the end of the semester.
If the joint appointment is terminated or not renewed, the faculty
appointment will revert to the primary unit. A faculty member whose
joint appointment was either terminated or not renewed shall be able
to use the complaint procedure (Section
4.2.18) by filing a complaint with the Dean of the primary unit.
For tenure-track faculty, the appointment may not extend beyond the
current contract length with the primary unit nor, unless an exception
is approved by the Provost/Executive Vice President for Academic
Affairs, will be more than 50% of the joint appointment be in the
secondary unit.