Policy Details

Date of Last Update

Approved By
  • President

Responsible Office
Office of Student Conduct and Conflict Resolution


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Abuse of the Conduct Process

STU 5.2.1

  1. Policy Statement
  2. Procedures

Policy Statement

Interference in, or failure to comply with University processes, including conduct and academic integrity hearings. Such actions include, but are not limited to: Attempting to discourage an individual’s participation in, or use of, the University’s conduct process. Engaging in any prohibited conduct while suspended for disciplinary reasons. Failing to comply with the restorative measure(s) imposed by the conduct process. Intimidation of a member of a University conduct process body prior to, during and/or following a University conduct meeting. Influencing, or attempting to influence, another person to commit an abuse of the conduct process. Retaliating or taking adverse action against any student who files a student conduct report or grievance, requests a meeting with a University official, or participates in an investigation or hearing. 


Section 6.0 - Conduct Process and Resolution Procedures outlines the procedures related to this policy.

For a summarized, visual overview of the University conduct process, please click here.