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Regular Faculty Areas of Evaluation for Renewal of Probationary Appointments, Promotion, Tenure, and Periodic Performance Reviews

BOT 4.2.9

Policy Statement

4.2.9 Areas of Evaluation for Renewal of Probationary Appointments, Promotion, Tenure, and Periodic Performance Reviews.

1. College Regular Faculty. The individual College's Personnel Committee will use the evaluation criteria indicated in this section in arriving at its recommendations. All regular faculty, whether full- or part-time, shall be evaluated on the same criteria and shall be expected to demonstrate that they meet the level of performance consistent with the expectations of their rank. In these personnel actions, except Dismissal for Adequate Cause, the burden of proving that their performance warrants the personnel action under consideration rests with the regular faculty member to be reviewed. It is the University's responsibility to process the requested personnel action. Each of the criteria listed below must be demonstrated to some degree, but teaching is regarded as the most important. It is essential that regular faculty review be thorough, fair and in accord with clearly stated standards and criteria (Section 4.2.9) and procedures (Section 4. 2.10). Faculty reviews should promote a culture of continuous improvement.

A. Effective Teaching. Effective teaching facilitates student learning and includes, but is not limited to, knowledge of the field taught, classroom and mentoring performance, and communication and human relations skills. Faculty members teach effectively by challenging and engaging students, by supporting their academic and professional growth, and by establishing and maintaining high academic standards. They address in their courses relevant knowledge together with intellectual and practical skills pertinent to the discipline or profession. They use appropriate pedagogies and relevant assessments of student learning. They contribute to revising or developing courses and curricula as needed by their units. Effective teaching must be documented by: a) self-evaluation, b) peer evaluation, and c) student evaluations.

B. Scholarly/Creative Activity. Within a normal full-time load, all regular faculty are expected to engage in scholarship or creative activity. The University welcomes the scholarship of discovery, the scholarship of integration, the scholarship of application, and the scholarship of teaching (as conceptualized by Boyer, 1990). All of these forms are valued in determinations for promotion and tenure. The University uses the following three categories to describe scholarship/creative activities:1)advancement of knowledge/creative activity, 2) scholarly engagement, and 3) professional development.

C. Service to the Institution, the Profession, and the Community. A faculty workload includes service to the institution, and/or the profession, and/or the community. Each unit/college will write standards that describe how much and what type(s) of service is required for each rank and for tenure, promotion, and annual review. It is the responsibility of each faculty member to describe the nature of the service and the time commitment involved.

Each College and unit must establish its own standards and criteria for evaluation at each rank and tenure. College standards and criteria may be more specific than University standards and criteria, but may not contradict or conflict with them. Unit standards and criteria may be more specific than College standards and criteria, but may not contradict or conflict with them or the University standards and criteria. Each candidate for a personnel action must include a copy of their unit standards and criteria in the portfolio, or in the alternative, written acknowledgment of the unit guidelines that are being applied.

For both College and unit, after approval by the Dean, these standards and criteria must be submitted to the University Personnel Review Committee (UPRC), who will provide advice to the Provost/Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs. Final approval is decided by the Provost/Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs.

It is recognized that the relative importance of any of the professional achievement and service criteria may vary depending upon a variety of factors including the stage of the regular faculty member's career, the purpose of the evaluation, and the program objectives of the unit, College, and University.

2. Library Regular Faculty. The University Libraries' Personnel Committee will use the evaluation criteria indicated in this section in arriving at its recommendations. All regular library faculty, whether full- or part-time, shall be evaluated on the same criteria and be expected to demonstrate that they meet the level of performance consistent with the expectations of their rank. In these personnel actions, except Dismissal for Adequate Cause, the burden of proving that their performance warrants the personnel action under consideration rests with the regular faculty member to be reviewed. It is the University's responsibility to process the requested personnel action. Each of the criteria listed below must be demonstrated to some degree. Professional effectiveness is regarded as most important. Faculty reviews should promote a culture of continuous improvement.

A. Professional Effectiveness. This includes, but is not limited to, knowledge of library and information science; performance in reference service, collection development, and bibliographic organization and control; communication skills; human relations skills; evaluation skills; and teaching, although not necessarily in a classroom situation. Evaluation of such activities will be on the basis of the judgment of colleagues and/or those who are instructed or served.

B. Scholarly/Creative Achievement. All regular library faculty are expected to engage in scholarship or creative activity. The University welcomes the scholarship of discovery, the scholarship of integration, the scholarship of application, and the scholarship of teaching (as conceptualized by Boyer, 1990). All of these forms are valued indetermination for promotion and tenure. The University uses the following three categories to describe scholarship/creative activities: 1)advancement of knowledge/creative activity, 2) scholarly engagement, and 3) professional development.

C. Service to Unit, University, and the Profession/Community. A faculty workload includes service to the institution, and/or the profession, and/or the community. Each unit/University Libraries will write standards that describe how much and what type(s) of service is required for each rank and for tenure, promotion, and annual review. The University Libraries will determine the types of community/professional service most appropriate to its specific mission and program objectives. It is the responsibility of each faculty member to describe the nature of the service and the time commitment involved.

The University Libraries must establish its own standards and criteria for evaluation at each rank and tenure. The University Libraries' standards and criteria may be more specific than University standards and criteria, but may not contradict or conflict with them. Each candidate for a personnel action must include a copy of the University Libraries'standards and criteria in the portfolio, or in the alternative, written acknowledgment of the approval date of the University Libraries'guidelines that are being applied.

After approval by the Dean, these standards and criteria must be submitted to the University Personnel Review Committee (UPRC), who will provide advice to the Provost/Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs. Final approval is decided by the Provost/Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs.

(1) The term "library" wherever it appears in Section 2 represents the totality of "University Libraries."