Policy Details

Date of Last Update

Approved By
  • Board of Trustees

Responsible Office
Office of General Counsel


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Regular Executive, Administrative, and Professional Staff Probationary Period

BOT 4.4.2

Policy Statement

4.4.2 Probationary Period

  1. The probationary period allows all parties the opportunity to assess performance and the overall viability of the employment relationship. Upon completion of the probationary period, employment can only be terminated for cause.

    All EAP staff members will remain in probationary status for a period of twelve (12) calendar months actually worked. The employment relationship during the probationary period is considered to be "at will" in as much as the University and the staff member retain the right to terminate employment with or without cause at anytime.

    In the event that the University elects to terminate employment for reasons other than those noted below, the probationary staff member will normally be provided four weeks notice or four weeks pay and benefits in lieu of notice, or until the staff member secures new employment, whichever is sooner.

    Staff members terminated for reasons such as moral turpitude, violation of University policies and procedures, failure to follow directions/instructions of supervisors and superiors, conviction of a felony, neglect of professional responsibility, failure to follow statutory or regulatory requirements of the position, and other similar acts, shall have their compensation and benefits terminated effective upon termination of employment.