Policy Details

Date of Last Update

Approved By
  • Board of Trustees

Responsible Office
Office of General Counsel


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Regular Executive, Administrative, and Professional Staff Terminations

BOT 4.4.4

Policy Statement

4.4.4 Terminations

  1. Continuous Appointments. Following the probationary period a continuous appointment may be terminated by the appointing officer for cause. Such termination will be communicated in writing along with the reasons for dismissal. Normally, at least four weeks notice of termination or four weeks pay in lieu of notice will be given unless continuation of employment would be detrimental to the best interest of the University. The staff member may appeal dismissal for cause through the grievance procedure or in the event the President is the appointing officer to the Chairperson of the Board of Trustees. If the appointing officer's decision is not upheld, the staff member may be reinstated without loss of pay.
  2. Employment Contract Appointments. An employment contract may be terminated prior to the expiration date subject to the provisions of the contract. Such termination will be communicated in writing along with the reason for early termination of the contract. The staff member may appeal early termination through the grievance procedure. The non-renewal of an employment contract is not a grievable issue.