
IR and PLS Alumni Starting Law School

September 18, 2024

IR and PLS Alumni Starting Law School

(Pictured: Jessical Geisler)

Congratulations to all of the Political Science and International Relations alumni who are starting law school this fall!

Michigan State University College of Law

Riley Houldsworth 2024 double major in Political Science and Legal Studies

University of Detroit Mercy School of Law

Kelsey Dulz 2022 Political Science major, Criminal Justice Minor

Danielle Kleinert 2023 Political Science major, Legal Studies minor


University of Kentucky Rosenberg College of Law

Hadley Christensen 2022 double major in Political Science and Criminal Justice


University of Michigan Law School

Charlotte Doran 2023 double major in Political Science and Allied Health Sciences, minor in Psychology

Haleigh Knowles 204 double major in Political Science and Legal Studies, minor in Philosophy


University of Wisconsin-Madison Law School
Isabelle Hoffman 2023 double major in Political Science and French, minor in International Relations


Wayne State University Law School

Jessica Geisler 2024 International Relations major, double minor in Spanish and Human Rights


If you are a political science or international relations graduate attending law school this fall and would like to be recognized, please email Prof. Richards ([email protected]).



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Page last modified September 18, 2024