
Paul B. Henry Congressional Internship

January 18, 2017

Paul B. Henry Congressional Internship

The Henry Internship places a GVSU student in the Washington, D.C. offices of one of Michigan’s U.S. Representatives or Senators during the spring/summer 2017 session.  Students may also identify a Senator or Representative with whom they would prefer to work. The Paul B. Henry Foundation pays a scholarship of $2,000 for travel and living expenses, and Henry Interns receive a tuition waiver for up to 6 credits


ELIGIBILITY:  To be eligible, students must have completed a minimum of 55 credits by the end of the Winter 2017 semester and are expected to report about their experiences to the GVSU community during the 2017/18 academic year.




Application procedure : Please submit

  • resume
  • transcript (unofficial accepted)
  • one recommendation letter
  • essay of up to 750 words - addressing your reasons for seeking the internship, relevant experiences that prepare you for it, and how it advances your career and educational goals. 


Turn in completed applications by way of


Questions may be directed to Dr. Donald Zinman (


DEADLINE: Friday, February 17, 2017



The Paul B. Henry Foundation is named in honor of the late Paul B. Henry, who served West Michigan in the House of Representatives from 1985-1993

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Page last modified January 18, 2017