Professor Mark Richards
Professor Mark Richards
Department of Political Science
Grand Valley State University
1106 AuSable Hall, 1 Campus Drive
Allendale, MI 49401
(616) 331-3457
[email protected]
University of Wisconsin (Madison, Wisconsin)
Ph.D. Political Science
M.A. Political Science
University of Oregon (Eugene, Oregon)
M.S. Political Science
University of Wisconsin Law School (Madison, Wisconsin)
One year completed
University of Wisconsin (Madison, Wisconsin)
B.S. Economics and Political Science
Fields: constitutional law, freedom of expression, judicial politics
Human Rights
Constitutional Law I: Federalism and Separation of Powers
Constitutional Law II: Civil Rights and Civil Liberties
American Constitutional Foundations
Select Publications
Mark J. Richards. 2013. The Politics of Freedom of Expression: The Decisions of the Supreme Court of the United States. Palgrave Macmillan.
Articles and book chapters
Mark J. Richards. “Freedom of Expression.” In Oxford Bibliographies in International Law. Ed. Tony Carty. New York: Oxford University Press, 2023. (Substantial revision of 2014 version of same name.)
Mark J. Richards. “Do the media have special rights?” In The U.S. Constitution in 5 Minutes (Joseph L. Smith and David Klein, eds.). 2023. Sheffield, South Yorkshire, UK: Equinox.
Yi Zhao and Mark J. Richards. 2019. "The Diffusion of the Concept of Public Figure in China." Law & Society Review 53(4): 1202-1232. DOI: 10.1111/lasr.12436
Mark J. Richards. 2016. "Regulating Automakers for Climate Change: US Reforms in Global Context." Environmental Policy and Governance 26: 498–509. DOI: 10.1002/eet.1726.
Herbert M. Kritzer and Mark J. Richards. 2010. "Taking and Testing Jurisprudential Regimes Seriously." Journal of Politics 72 (April): 285-288.
Mark J. Richards, Herbert M. Kritzer and Joseph L. Smith. 2006. "Does Chevron Matter?" Law & Policy 28 (October): 444-469.
Herbert M. Kritzer and Mark J. Richards. 2005. "The Role of Law in the Supreme Court's Search and Seizure Jurisprudence." American Politics Research 33 (January): 33-55.
Herbert M. Kritzer and Mark J. Richards. 2003. "Jurisprudential Regimes and Supreme Court Decision Making: The Lemon Regime and Establishment Clause Cases." Law & Society Review 37 (December): 827-840.
Mark J. Richards and Herbert M. Kritzer. 2002. "Jurisprudential Regimes in Supreme Court Decision Making." American Political Science Review 96 (June): 305-321.
Select Awards
2006. Pew Teaching Excellence Award. Grand Valley State University.
Current Research Interests
Freedom of expression in international law, human rights, comparative law and judicial politics, environmental politics of the automotive industry