News and Events

Corewell Health Digital Services Intern Networking Event

September 26, 2024

Corewell Health Digital Services Intern Networking Event

"Join us for an opportunity to learn about Corewell Health’s robust internship program in digital services (technology, data analytics, business assurance, project management) and take part in structured networking activities with Corewell Health team members involved in the internship program. Information about the Winter and Summer 2025 internship application process will be available."


This event will take place at Corewell Health Place, Building A, Gallery room. Light grazing fare/appetizers and beverages will be served.

Career Pathways Welcome
Leader Reflection: What It's Like To Be A Digital Services Team Within An Enterprise
Intern Manager Panel with Q and A
Structured networking opportunities with hiring managers


Please go to this website to register:


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Page last modified September 26, 2024