Ellen Shupe

Ellen Shupe

Professor - Organizational/Applied Social

  • B.S., Eckard College
  • M.A., Ph.D., University of Illinois

Pew Teaching Excellence Award 2016

Office: 2218 Au Sable Hall

Phone: (616) 331-2905

Email: shupee@gvsu.edu

Learn about Study Abroad in Psychology



Pew Teaching Excellence Award 2016


Social Psychology 

Courses Taught

PSY 300 - Research Methods

PSY 360 - Social Psychology: Psychology's View

PSY 400 - Advanced Research Methods

PSY 386 - Study Abroad

Research Interests

I am interested in research related to applied social and organizational psychology, including topics such as sexual harassment and inter-role conflict. I am also interested in research related to the psychology applied to teaching, particularly in regards to study abroad courses.


Shupe, E.I. (2019). Beneath the surface of the sexual harassment label: A mixed methods study of young working women. Sex Roles.

Shupe, E.I., *Wambaugh, S.K., & *Bramble, R.J. (2015). Role-related stress experienced by academic librarians. Journal of Academic Librarianship, 41, 264-269.

Shupe, E., & *Buchholz, K.A. (2013). A psychological framework for understanding the experience of job loss. In A.S.G. Antoniou and C.L. Cooper (Eds.), The psychology of the recession on the workplace (pp. 209-229). Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar.

Shupe, E. (2013). The development of an undergraduate study abroad program: Nicaragua and the psychology of social inequality. Teaching of Psychology, 40, 124-129. 

Shupe, E., & *Pung, S. (2011). Understanding the changing role of academic librarians: A psychological perspective. Journal of Academic Librarianship, 37, 409-415.

Shupe, E.  (2007). Clashing cultures: A model of interpersonal, intercultural conflict as a stressor.  Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 38, 750-771.

Page last modified July 13, 2023