Zachary Salander

Dr Zachary Salander

Zachary Salander

Affiliate Professor

  • B.S. Neuroscience, University of Michigan 
  • M.S. Developmental Psychology, University of Massachusetts
  • Ph.D. Developmental Psychology, University of Massachusetts

Office: 2112 Au Sable Hall

Phone: (616) 331-8514




Developmental Psychology

Courses Taught

PSY 101 - Introductory Psychology
PSY 300 - Research Methods in Psychology
PSY 350 - Research and Data Applications in Psychology

Research Interests

My current research interest focuses on the anxiety that students may experience when taking college statistics courses. More specifically, I am interested in how that anxiety develops and what that development looks like in parallel with how competent students feel about their statistics knowledge and skills, as well as how much they value learning about statistics as part of their college major/program. Furthermore, as statistics courses look to teach students how to use statistical software, I also have an interest in seeing how any anxiety towards that particular software also develops over time.

Publications and Presentations

Salander, Z. B., & McDermott, J. M. (under revision). Affect and inhibitory control in young adults with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder.

Salander, Z. B. (in prep). The developmental and instructional roots of statistics anxiety.

McDermott, J.M., Salander, Z.B., Brown, H., Hareli, M., & Harvey, E. (in prep). Inhibitory control moderates aggressive and depressive symptoms in children at risk for ADHD.

Hanna, G.L., Liu, Y., Isaacs, Y.E., Ayoub, A.M., Brosius, A., Salander, Z., Arnold, P.D., & Gehring, W.J. (2018). Error-related brain activity in adolescents with obsessive-compulsive disorder and major depressive disorder. Depression and Anxiety, 35(8)752-760.

Page last modified October 17, 2024