RMSC STEM/STEAM Outreach Survey

Please tell us about the STEM/STEAM event/program you participated in and about your experience. 

* denotes a required field

Presenter/Exhibitor Information

Activity Feedback

This section is for you to provide feedback on the program/event's activity or activities you were provided by the RMSC. Please provide as much detail as possible, as this will help us determine the best way to assist and prepare you for future events/programs. 

Did you receive adequate information from the RMSC regarding this event and your role and responsibilities? *

Who is the primary target audience for this event/program? Pick only one. *

Rate your ease of using activity #1. *

Rate the level of interest from the audience for activity #1. *

Rate your ease of using activity #2. *

Rate your ease of using activity #3. *

Rate the interest level of the audience for activity #2. *

Rate the interest level of the audience for activity #3. *

Human Verification *

Page last modified October 5, 2023