Catching Up on Missed Work

Course Make Up Plan

  1. List all missed assignments for the course using the syllabus or Blackboard
    1. Confirm the missed assignment policy with your professor/syllabus - what missed work can still be turned in for a grade
    2. Note: Missed work may still need to be completed to be successful in the course, even if you will not receive points
  2. Prioritize for importance
    1. High priority: Needs to be completed ASAP
    2. Medium priority: Needs to be completed in order to complete other assignments / be prepared for future assessments
    3. Low priority: Needs to be completed by the end of the semester
  3. Assign new due dates to complete each assignment
  4. Estimate about how much time you will need to complete the assignment
  5. Fill assignments into the weekly to do list based on priority and new due date
  6. Schedule an office hour appointment to review with your professor
    1. Confirm ability to turn in missed assignments
    2. Confirm that you have properly prioritized assignments
    3. Ask your professor if they feel that this is a feasible plan to complete and be successful in the course


Download the Course Make Up Plan here

The first step is to get organized and make a plan, below are helpful worksheets to get started.


Weekly To-do List

Weekly Time Management Chart

Organize Your Semester

SMART Goal Planner

Make an Appointment with a Success Coach

Interested in meeting one on one to make a plan to catch up on missing work, and future strategies for time management and organization? 


Check out Success Coaching

Page last modified August 1, 2023