Brian Hoekzema, MSA '20

Brian Hoekzema, MSA

Brian Hoekzema, graduated with his MSA from the Seidman College of Business.

What were your professional goals when you started the MSA program? How did the Seidman MSA program help you achieve your goals?

As I was entering the MSA program, my primary goal was to achieve 150 credit hours and pass the CPA exam by the time I graduated. The MSA program at Seidman did just that and I was able to successfully pass each section of the CPA exam on the first attempt and jump right into a full-time career in public accounting upon graduation.

What content or skills did you learn in the MSA program that you regularly use today?

The MSA program did more than just prepare me for a career in public accounting, it helped me hone my critical thinking and analytical skills. The classroom can only cover a certain volume of information, but the program allowed me to learn the valuable skills that allow me to be successful every day in my career.

What was the most rewarding part of the Seidman MSAT program?

While earning my MSA from the Seidman College of Business I created lifelong friendships with both peers and faculty.

How were you challenged during the MSA program?

The MSA program challenged me as the classes were no longer centered around daily/weekly assignments that kept you busy (like many of us experienced during our undergrad years).Rather, it placed more emphasis on your development and conceptual understanding and the ability to apply that knowledge in a more meaningful way.


What advice would you give to someone who is considering a Seidman MSA?

Take advantage of a highly developed program that will allow you to be CPA ready in less than a year. Many of the classes are geared directly towards CPA exam prep and align directly with other study materials. Talk to your faculty advisor and make a detailed plan for your class load and the corresponding sections of the CPA exam that you are studying for.

The best advice you will ever receive is to pass the CPA exam prior to entering the workforce. The short-term sacrifice of studying (and maybe even lost income) will pay huge dividends within a very short period of time.

How was your Seidman MBA/MSA/MST helpful to you in advancing your career?

My MSA from Grand Valley was crucial to my preparation and passing of the CPA Exam. The professors and classroom content was immediately relevant and helpful in my ability to become licensed.

Page last modified March 28, 2023