Rebecca Malaski, MSA '16

Rebecca Malaski, MSA

Rebecca Malaski graduated with her MSA from the Seidman College of Business.

What were your professional goals when you started the MSA program? How did the Seidman MSA program help you achieve your goals?

When I started the MSA program, my professional goals were to earn the 150 credits required to become a CPA in Michigan, pass the CPA exams, and start my career in public accounting. The MSA program is formatted so that I was able to easily earn the additional 30 credits I needed after undergrad and the professors tailor the coursework and tests to mimic the CPA exam format and content. I was already well-studied on much of the content before taking the exams. Upon graduation I passed the CPA exams and started a tax career in public accounting before transitioning to the insurance industry where I am now.

What content or skills did you learn in the MSA program that you regularly use today?

I can specifically remember taking the Tax Research class as part of the MSA program and using RIA Checkpoint to research tax law cases. Little did I know at the time, that I would use those skills and that program frequently in my career. I still apply the skills learned in that class every time I am taking on a research task.

What was the most rewarding part of the Seidman MSA program?

One of the most rewarding parts of the MSA program for me was the opportunity to study abroad on the London trip. The trip was open to undergrad or graduate students and it fit in my schedule to attend as a graduate student. The professors tailor the program so that the coursework done on campus before the trip relates to the itinerary during the trip. It was such a unique way to incorporate business ethics into an international trip and I’m still friends to this day with both the professors and students from that trip.

How were you challenged during the MSA program?

The coursework in the MSA program takes a deeper dive into the foundational classes from your undergrad program. The professors challenge you to apply the coursework to real-life situations using actual company financial statements and examples. It was challenging to think in a different mindset to apply that accounting knowledge but really helps brace you for a ‘real day on the job’.

What advice would you give to someone who is considering a Seidman MSA?

Get to know your professors and your classmates. One of the most rewarding pieces of the MSA program were the connections I made with other students and professors. This led to future networking opportunities down the road in my career. You get to know your fellow graduate students and professors on a deeper level compared to undergrad. It has been very rewarding to keep in touch with other classmates and see how their careers have progressed and to meet other alumni at meetings, recruiting events, or conferences.

How was your Seidman MSA helpful to you in advancing your career?

One of my favorite parts of the MSA program was the connections I made with other students and professors. This led to future networking opportunities down the road in my career. You get to know your fellow graduate students and professors on a deeper level compared to undergrad. It has been very rewarding to keep in touch with other classmates and see how their careers have progressed and to meet other alumni at meetings or conferences.

Page last modified March 28, 2023