CHP Dean's Innovation Grant Application and Requirements

Required Project Proposal Information

  1. Introductory Information: Please provide a concise overview of your proposed project, including the intended outcomes, the rationale behind the project and how it aligns with the strategic goals of the university, college and/or unit.
  2. Project Summary: Provide a brief description of the critical issue your project addresses. Indicate the impact it has on the target population or a broader community.
  3. Project Description:
    1. Objectives: Please state the research problem, question, and/or concept that will be addressed.

    2. Background and context: Describe the relationship between the project and the current state of knowledge in the field. It is important to demonstrate why the proposed project is necessary to address a gap in knowledge.

    3. Methods/procedures/materials: Provide a clear and concise description of the proposed plan of work, including the methodology to be employed to achieve the stated objective(s).

    4. Timeline: Provide a detailed description of the activities to be conducted during the funding period for the proposed project.

    5. Outcome: What is the anticipated outcome of the proposed project?

    6. Collaboration: Please provide a detailed account of any collaborative efforts with external agencies or educational institutions that are not affiliated with GVSU. additionally, please include any relevant supporting documentation, such as letters of endorsement.

  4. Future Scholarship Plans: Please describe how this experience aligns with your professional development and future scholarship plans.
  5. External funding agency budget and justification.
  6. References (Not included in the two-page maximum)
  7. Letters of support (Not included in the two-page maximum)

Page last modified August 29, 2024