CHP Faculty Absence Request Form

University Policy: The University has a policy regarding faculty absence, which is located in University Policies SG 3.04. The policy reads as follows: 

Faculty members are responsible for meeting all classes for which they are scheduled. If faculty members are absent from teaching responsibilities due to illness, they should notify their unit heads, and students should be notified through Blackboard or other electronic means as early as possible. 

In those cases where absences can be anticipated, approval for such absences must be obtained from the unit head. The faculty members are then responsible for arranging for substitutes or otherwise covering their teaching assignments.

Classes must be held for the duration of the semester and for the scheduled amount of time.

CHP Procedure: Faculty are required to notify the College in advance of anticipated absences that will take them away from their classes or other responsibilities at the University. Permission must be obtained from both the Unit Head and the Dean. Please provide absence request details for approval.

* denotes a required field

Faculty Information

Absence Information

Reason for Absence (check all that apply) *

Professional Responsibility *

Coverage of Faculty Responsibilities

Unit / Department Approval

Human Verification *

Page last modified December 9, 2024